“Performance” is the second of three exhibitions developed to accompany the 2026 Milano-Cortina Winter Olympic games in one of the world’s most unique exhibition spaces: the Trento Tunnels (Le Gallerie di Piedicastello). It was preceded by “Records” (Jan. -Dec. 2024) and will be followed by “Competitions” (Jan.-Nov. 2026). All three are supported by the Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino (FMST); the second was organized in collaboration with the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland. Working with a…
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Forthcoming this fall with Inventory Books is the first English translation of Bruno Munari’s 1967 volume Fantasy – Invention, Creativity, and Imagination in Visual Communication. Designed by IN-FO.CO, the edition meticulously mirrors the layout and typography of the Italian original –its graphic flavor and texture– and is accompanied by a critical apparatus as well as by an introductory essay. I am responsible for the translation, the notes, and accompanying essay. Fantasy is perhaps the richest…
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