collaborator 1983-1984; associate director 1984-1985, Dartmouth Dante Project (director Robert Hollander), pilot database project involving seven hundred years of commentary tradition on Dante’s Commedia. Funding support provided by Dartmouth College, The Dante Society of America, La Società Dantesca Italiana, The Mellon Foundation, Apple Computer Corporation, Digital Equipment Corporation, The AT&T Foundation, and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
L’Espositione di Bernardino Daniello da Lucca sopra la Commedia di Dante. Ed. with Robert Hollander; in collaboration with Kevin Brownlee and Nancy J. Vickers; published in 1985 as a digital edition for the Dartmouth Dante Project; available at
director,, website launched Sept. 2005, designed by TenFold Design, Oakland, CA. Supported by the Seaver Institute and the President’s Innovation Fund at Stanford University. Published in the Spring 2006 Ephemera issue of Vectors: Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular, USC Annenberg School.
Director,, website launched Sept. 2005, designed by Animated Design, Oakland, CA. Supported by the Seaver Institute, the Cantor Arts Center, the Wolfsonian-FIU, and the Hoover Institution. Winner of Silver Addy award in the Arts and Sciences Category from the Bay Area Ad Council.
co-PI, CitySpaces project, with Piero Fraternali, Stefano Ceri, and Todd Presner, ASP project 2010-2012 for development of new extended version of the UCLA-based HyperCities platform, Alta Scuola Politecnica, Politecnico di Milano/Politecnico di Torino.
with Kara Oehler, “The First Spoken Arts Record You Can Dance To” (online sketch for a multimedia critical edition of the 1967 Columbia LP The Medium is the Massage performed by Jerome Agel, Marshal McLuhan, and Quentin Fiore, Sensate, posted spring 2011.regular
with the metaLAB (at) Harvard team, project design, consulting, and development work on Digital Archive of Japan’s 2011 Disasters, a metaLAB/Zeega/Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies project (2011-), Curarium, DPSI, Teaching with Things, Beautiful Data, Lightbox Gallery, Book a Nook, Curricle, Curatorial A(I)gents and most other metaLAB projects (2011-).
with Paolo Petrocelli, convener/organizer, futureSTAGE project, metaLAB (at) Harvard (2020-2022).
“AI Pedagogy,” with Sarah Newman et alii, the project website was launched in Oct. 2023 at
“Peirce interprets Peirce,” with Dario Rodighiero, Alessandro Adamou, and Davide Picca. The project aims to study, disseminate, and valorize Charles S. Peirce’s work by transcribing, analyzing, and visualizing his writings held at Harvard’s Houghton Library; grants applied for in Nov. 2022; project currently on hold.
“Curatorial A(i)gents,” concept development, project leadership, implementation, and design, including collaborative (with Kevin Brewster, Todd Linkner, and Dietmar Offenhuber) development of A Flitting Atlas of the Human Gaze. The entire project is slated for installation at the Harvard Art Museum, Jan. 30 – May 15, 2022.
“From Computational Humanities to DH,” “Critical code studies,” “The Ethics of DH,” and “Knowledge Design,” unit within Digital Humanities: HarvardX online course, Harvard U, March 2019.
Concept development, project leadership, implementation, and design (with the metaLAB team) on Curricle, a dynamic platform for curriculum exploration and discovery, funded by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard U, fall 2016-present.
Production, design, and concept development (with the metaLAB team) of the website support for the expanded re-edition of Maury Stein and Larry Miller, Blueprint for Counter Education, (New York: Inventory Books, 2016) =
COLD STORAGE, producer/writer/concept developer, 26 minute color documentary short on the Harvard Book Depository embedded in a 500 item, interactive web documentary, available at Project developed by metaLAB (at) Harvard, Cristoforo Magliozzi, director; Matthew Battles, executive director. Premiered in Boston and Paris in 2015.
MALLARMOVIE, Zeega (database documentary remix of Stéphane Mallarmé’s Un Coup de dés), shown at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art as part of The Making of … Zeega showcase (The Kitchen Sisters, Zeega, KQED, SFMOMA), May 30-June 1, 2013.
GHOST, networked multimedia installation (website, 6 database documentaries [Wall, Footing, What’s in a name?, Carrier, Bed, Hotel], 10 iPads installed throughout museum), Host & Guest exhibition, curated by Steven Henry Madoff, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, May-July 2013, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Teaching with Things, metaLAB (at) Harvard project devoted to developing flexible, scalable approach to representing the material and sensory attributes of three dimensional objects, to building “artifactual interfaces,” to annotating three-dimensional objects, and to exploring relationships among objects and multimedia data sets, supported by a grant from the Hauser Initiative for Teaching and Learning.
4-fold minna-no-léproject, developed with Daniele Ledda (XY comm) and Elisabetta Terragni (Studio Terragni Architetti) for the Ito/Yamamoto/Naito/Kuma/Sejima “Picturing Home for All” initiative in support of refugees from the March 11, 2011 earthquake-tsunami in Northern Japan; on exhibit at the Toyo Ito Museum of Architecture, Imbari, in Omishima July 2011-June 2012 and at the Sendai Mediatheque July-August 2011; published in Our “Home-for-All” design ideas, plans and all, ed. KISYN-no-Kai (Toyo Ito, Riken Yamamoto, Hiroshi Naito, Kengo Kuma, Kazujo Sejima), (Tokyo: Ito School, 2012), pp. 176-178.
Digital Ecologies, metaLAB/Arnold Arboretum collaboration dedicated to building a platform for the collaborative curation of living collections (2012-)”>extraMUROS, Harvard Library Lab projhapins, James Burns, Kara Oehler, Ann Whiteside, Alix Reiskind, 2011-. Project submitted for Digital Public Library of America Beta Sprint competition, summer 2011; selected as finalist and presented at National Archives, Washington, DC, at plenary session in October 2011.
L’arte senza artisti, video talk, D.!A.! Digital Art Festival, Milan Innovation Festival, Oct. 2010.
chief curator, Gallerie della Memoria, Second Life island counterpart to I Trentini e la Grande Guerra exhibition, Trento Sept.-Nov. 2008, funded by the Provincia Autonoma di Trento.
design and production work on installation videos and slide shows on R. Buckminster Fuller, Airstream, TVA housing, Joseph Eichler, and Drop City for Casa per tutti, Triennale di Milano, May 1-Sept. 1, 2008.
brainstorming and consulting work on all Stanford Humanities Lab projects, including public art, database, exhibition, multimedia installation and performance projects, as well as mixed reality programming and production work, 2000-2010.
SPEED limits – project director and chief curator; development of virtual exhibition platform/project as part of the SIRIKATA open source virtual world; project host: the Stanford Humanities Lab (Henrik Bennetsen, Matteo Bittanti, Gordon Knox et alii); project partner is the Bornholms Kunstmuseum, working in collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Architecture and the Wolfsonian-FIU; project funding for virtual exhibition: Danish Ministry of Science. Initial development work 2007-2009; virtual exhibition construction 2009-2010.
Climate Clock – Second Time design project, in collaboration with Lynn Hershman, Rafael Lozano-Hemer, Jeffrey Aldrich, and Henrik Bennetsen, (spring 2008).
Twelve Degrees of Freedom — Buckminster Fuller’s Twentieth Century. Director (with Roberto Trujillo, Stanford University Libraries, and Hsiao-Yun Chu [Fuller archive]); a research venture carried out as a collaborative undertaking between the Stanford Humanities Lab and the Stanford University Libraries, 2001-2005.
Crowds. Principal Investigator (with Matthew Tiews); other team members include Joy Connolly, Jobst Welge, Haun Saussy, Marisa Galvez, Heather Farkas, and Andrew Uroskie. A long-term research, web, and exhibition project on the crowd in the Western cultural-political imaginary. Completed under the aegis of the Stanford Humanities Lab, 2000-2005 with funding from The Seaver Institute.
podcasts, videos, music, & performance projects
Video talk on architectural archives and augmented museology, “Architetture dagli archivi del MAXXI — La Torre Velasca dei BBPR” exhibition, MAXXI, Rome, Oct.-Dec. 2024.
Intro, Paraphrasis – a podcast on translation, produced by Lara Norgaard and Jess Jensen, launched January 2024.
Mobility+ (The Piaggio Fast Forward Podcast), hosted and produced by Jeffrey Schnapp; 12 episodes between 2020-2021; available on various platforms (Stitcher, Apple, Google, TuneIn) and at
The Masses (Adam Michaels, Daniel Perlin, Jeffrey Schnapp), The Electric Information Age Album, vinyl limited edition LP (Sept. 2012), Perlin Studios, Giant Corporate / Inventory Records 01; digital release athttp:/
The Masses (Shannon Harvey, Adam Michaels, Daniel Perlin, Jeffrey Schnapp), The Electric Information Age LP Live, Sept. 30, 2012, Performance Dome, MoMA P. S. 1.
The Masses (Shannon Harvey, Adam Michaels, Daniel Perlin, Jeffrey Schnapp), The e-Info Age Bookmix (The 2nd Spoken Arts Record You Can Dance To), live performance, MiTo Festival Internazionale della Musica, Teatro Franco Parenti, Milan, Italy, Sept. 17 and 18, 2012.
Mixed Reality Performance, with Juan Pablo Caceres, Robert Hamilton, and Chryssie Nanou, a Sirikata-based live event, MiTo Festival Internazionale della Musica, Milan, Italy, Sept. 2009; film clip posted at MiTo festival site.
“Να διασφαλίσουμε ότι η τεχνητή νοημοσύνη δεν θα επιδεινώσει τις κοινωνικές ανισότητες,” interviewed by Paris Spinou, Efimerida ton Syntakton (Athens), June 17, 2023: 8-9.
“Η τεχνολογια kai η παραδοση δεν ειναι αντιπαλεσ,” interviewed by Maria Adamopoulou, Ta Nea (Athens), June 16, 2023: 57.
“Designing an autonomous vehicle to make communities more walkable,” interviewed by Ryan Atkinson, The Business Cloud, episode 34, broadcast Sept. 8, 2021.
“The Real Challenge…,” Jeffrey Schnapp interviewed by Ken Gordon, The Resonance Test, episode 64, EMGO-Continuum podcast, broadcast May 27, 2021.
Paolo Casicci, “Siamo il modo in cui ci spostiamo,” Interni Magazine, April 23, 2021.
“Il museo virtuale,” Webinar with Laura Valente, Stroncature, March 5, 2021.
“Libri e giornali ai tempi della digitalizzazione: come cambia il nostro modo di leggere (e di pensare),” short video talk for RepTV, La Repubblica, Feb. 3, 2021.
“Designing Knowldege: Welcome to metaLAB,” interviewed by Francesca Sironi, special issue on “Relentless Evolution,” Maize 9 (2020): 60-65.
Guest panelist (with Carl Frey and Sabina Nawaz), “Il futuro del lavoro,” episode 9 of the SkyTV TG24 special Idee per il dopo, host Giuseppe de Bellis, broadcast on June 23, 2020.
“Jeffrey Schnapp: ‘Siate smart ma con curiosità e senso critico’,” interview with Luca Cardinale, Cultura e spettacolo section, Gazzetta di Modena, Sept. 7, 2019: 34-35.
“Anche le carte veline sono arte del ‘900,” interviewed by Benedetta Cucci, Il resto di Carlino, Dec. 5, 2019: 53.
“Cambiano i modelli di mobilità in città: Dopo il monopattino debutta il robot personale,” interviewed by Emanuela Griglié, Tuttoscienze section, La Stampa July 31, 2019: 31.
“Alfonso Bialettis kaffepanna” (interview), Loppmarknadsarkeologerna Bakom billiga loppmarknadsfynd finns berättelser om folkliv, konsumtionshistoria och design, Swedish National Radio (SverigesRadio), published March 9, 2019.
Interview with Jeffrey Schnapp (Interview 109; interviewer Jarrett Fuller), Scratching the Surface — A podcast about the intersection of design criticism and practice, published Feb. 6, 2019.
“Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di Digital Humanities” (interview), Cineca Magazine 5 (April 2018): 13-17.
“Il design della conoscenza,” interviewed by Stefano Capezzuto, Il lavoro culturale, posted Oct. 6, 2017.
“Interview: Fysieke bibliotheek nog belangrijker dan voorheen” (in Flemish), Bibliotheekblad – Vakblad voor de openbare bibliotheken 9/10 (2017): 10-13.
“‘Knowledge design’: de toekomstige bibliothecaris als architect van kennis en ruimte” (in Flemish), interview with Jessica Jacobs and Tom Willaert, Meta – tijdschrift voor bibliotheek & archief 8 (2017): 16-20.
Interviewed (along with Andrea Branzi, Paola Zatti, Cino Zucchi, Franco Raggi, Mario Bellini, Lea Vergine, and Stefano Boeri) with excerpts published in Marco Sammicheli “L’evento sorpresa / The Surprise,” Abitare 551 (Feb. 2016): 54-59.
“Luminous Making,” interviewed by Samantha Schwirk, Newsmaker feature, LD+A – The Magazine of the Illuminating Engineerings Society of America (May 2015): 33-37.
“Cold Storage: An Interview with Cristoforo Magliozzi and Jeffrey Schnapp,” published Feb. 22, 2015, Beyond the Book: A Podcast on the Business of Writing and Publishing,” Copyright Clearance Center.
“Across the Disciplinary Grain,” interviewed by Thomas Hill, broadcast Feb. 4, 2015 on WVKR and, online, at
“The Library Beyond the Book,” interview with Fred Rascoe, “Lost in the Stacks,” WREK Atlanta, broadcast Nov. 7, 2014.
Interviewed by Matt Applegate and Izzy To regarding the Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0, The Manifesto Project, video at posted Nov. 2014.
interview with Elizabeth Guffey, “Dialog: Reinventing the Paperbook in the Digital Age,” in Design and Culture 6.1 (fall 2013): 85-109. An in-depth interview with Adam Michaels and myself on our collaboration, approach to design, and shared interest in the remediation of paperback books.
host, Google Hangout webinar, “Mobile and Informal Learning Spaces: Libraries and Museums: A conversation with Matthew Battles, Allegra Burnette, Nate Hill, Barry Joseph, and Jeffrey Schnapp, MacArthur Mobile Learning Series / Connected Learning / The Possibilities of Mobile with, Oct. 17, 2013.
“Pick Up: Jeffrey Schnapp — Digital Humanties,” interviewed by Barbara Casavecchia (English/Italian), Mousse Magazine (Feb.-March 2013): 230-233.
Interviewed by Katherine Hayles, 1-hour telephone interview held in early 2009 on the digital humanities published as support for Katherine Hayles, How We Think, (Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 2012),, published Dec. 2012.
Bari Walsh, “An Expansive Plugged-In Vision of the Humanities,” Colloquy – Alumni Quarterly of the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, (fall/winter 2011): 2-5.
Anna Foppiano, “Liberare la voce dei luoghi / Allowing Sites to Speak,” essay plus trialogue between Jeffrey Schnapp, Elisabetta Terragni and Daniele Ledda, Abitare 517 (Nov. 2011): 94-103.
“Architettura e potere, un dialogo fra Alessandro Scandurra e Jeffrey Schnapp,”DDN Free 11 (June 2010): 32-35.
“Futurismo + Design,” interview with Paolo Fabbri, Tiziana Migliore, and Alvise Mattozzi, Imprevisti futuristi special issue, Il Verri 42 (Feb. 2010): 90-98.
“I Trentini e la Grande Guerra” and “Storicamente ABC,” Abitare – Interior Design/Architecture/Art 498 (Dec. 2009): 97-98.
“Realtà miste: Un’intervista con Jeffrey Schnapp,” interviewed by 2lifecast,, Sept. 27, 2009.
“I miracoli della Laptop orchestra: Il concerto più avveniristico al Politecnico Bovisa spiegato da Jeffrey Schnapp,” interviewed by Raffaela Oliva, Corriere della Sera, Sept. 11, 2009, p. 11.
“Due performances sperimentali al festival MiTo,” interviewed by Guido Barbieri, Radio Tre Suite, Radio Tre (RAI, Italian Public Radio), Sept. 1, 2009.
“Una serata in Sirikata: Intervista con Jeffrey Schnapp,” RAI 3, telegiornale per Milano e la Lombardia, evening edition, Sept. 12, 2009.
“Mixed Reality Performance: Il suono della musica del future,”
“Mixed Reality Performance: Concerto per laptop e genio solo,” edited by Massimiliano Ferramondo, Play section, Wired [Italian edition] (Sept. 2009): 89-92; www extended version at
“Faster than the speed of an electric range,” interviewed by Leah Sandals, National Post (Toronto), Arts & Life section, Aug. 20, 2009: B2-3; a fuller version of the interview may be found on Leah Sandals’ Unedit my heart log :
“Humanities Now. What Matters and the Speed at which we are Moving. An Interview with Jeffrey T. Schnapp,” interviewed by Pierpaolo Antonello (U of Cambridge), Italian Studies 64.1 (spring 2009): 144-162.
“Futurismo e fascismo,” interviewed with Enrico Crispolti and Emilio Gentile, Radio Tre Suite, Radio Tre (RAI, Italian Public Radio), March 2, 2009.
“Futurismo in politica,” interviewed with Emilio Gentile, Radio Tre Suite, Radio Tre (RAI, Italian Public Radio), Feb. 27, 2009.
“On Multitasking,” Forma®t, Giampaolo Pedretti moderator, on the “Avatar” show at the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, winter 2008, available at TrentinoLab.
Le Gallerie (extra). Documentary on I Trentini e la Grande Guerra (Il popolo scomparso/la sua storia ritrovata, featuring interviews with Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Elisabetta Terragni, Kurt Forster, Enrico Morteo, and Giuseppe Ferrandi, FilmWork (Trento), Oct. 2008.
“Sulle Gallerie della memoria a Trento,” interviewed by Guido Barbieri, Radio 3 Suite, Radio Tre (RAI, Italian Public Radio), Aug. 25, 2008.
“Le Gallerie della memoria,” interviewed by Gianfranco de Turris, Radio Uno (RAI, Italian Public Radio), Aug. 19, 2008.
“La guerra e il suo popolo – Storie di gente qualunque,” interviewed by Alessandro de Bertolini, Corriere del Trentino, Aug. 13, 2008, p. 13 Corriere della sera (edizione per il Trentino).
“Serious Play: Intervista a Jeffrey Schnapp di Andrea Genovese,” Salone del Mobile special issue “Il Design ci salverà! Ma come?,” Seventh Floor 11.2 (April 2008): 18-19.
“La parola ai professori: Il futuro del web sarà a 3d,” interviewed by Mauro Garfofalo, “Nòva –ricerca innovazione creatività” supplement, Il Sole 24 Ore, Feb. 28, 2008.
Interviewed for documentary film, The Perfect Cappuccino, director Amy Ferraris, Eucalyptus Productions, premiered at Kansas International Film Festival (Sept. 2008).
“Scienze umane da laboratorio. Parla Jeffrey Schnapp,” interviewed by Stefano Gulmanelli, “Nòva –ricerca innovazione creatività” supplement, Il Sole 24 Ore, Aug. 2, 2007.
video interview on Futurism, integrated into Luca Buvoli’s multimedia installation “A Very Beautiful Day After Tomorrow – Un bellissimo dopodomani,” Institute for Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Jan.-May, 2007; Arsenale, Biennale di Venezia, May-July 2007.
“La forza Usa?,” interviewed by Cristina Casadei, Il Sole 24 Ore, May 18, 2007.
“Insopportabile genio,” interviewed by Marco Iacona, pp. 27-29 in Il maestro della tradizione, Dialoghi su Julius Evola, (Naples: Controcorrente, 2008).
Interviewed on speed and/as myth with reference to the “Mitomacchina” exhibition at Museo di Arte Moderna (MART), program webcast by Form.Art / Filmwork (Trento), with Adolfo Orsi, Giorgetto Giugiaro, Pier Luigi Cerri, and Enrico Morteo, November 2006.
“Play (Hard and Fast),” video talk (interviewer Matteo Bittanti), broadcast at Games@IULM conference, May 3, 2006.
“Big Humanities,” podcast of talk presented on Feb. 17, 2006 at Humanitech, UC Irvine,
Interviewed by Isabelle Somma re. Dante Alighieri’s Commedia, Aventuras na História (São Paulo, Brazil).
“Art and Propaganda” (35 min. documentary film), featuring Jeffrey Schnapp, produced by Andrew Moisey for broadcast on, initial release date Nov. 2005.
“Un libro: Gli impianti del dovere e della guerra di Antonio Riccardi,” L’Argonauta, Italian National Radio (RAI 2), Dec. 26, 2006.
“Manifesti politici del ‘900,” interviewed by Gianfranco de Turris, GR2, Italian National Radio (RAI 2), Dec. 21, 2006.
“On Crowds,” interviewed by Robert P. Harrison, Entitled Opinions, KZSU fm, Nov. 29, 2005.
“Strength in numbers: Humanities Scholars put heads together,” interviewed by Linda Weber, Show/case section, Stanford Magazine, Nov-Dec. 2005.
“La folla protagonista del Novecento,” interviewed on Fahrenheit, Italian national radio (RAI 3), Sept. 14, 2005.
“On plastics,” interviewed by Massimo Martignoni, Casa Vogue, Oct. 2005.
“Intorno al centenario Terragni,” interviewed with Pippo Ciorra and Attilio Terragni, Radio 3 Suite program, hosted by Oreste Bossini, Italian national radio (RAI 3), Dec. 30, 2004.
“Interview with Merce Cunningham,” R. Buckminster Fuller and Friends: A Conversation Series, Stanford Video, Nov. 2004.
“Terragni dalla storia alla modernità – Intervista con l’italianista americano Jeffrey T. Schnapp”, interviewed by Alberto Longatti, Cultura e Spettacoli, La Provincia (Como), Oct. 28, 2004, p. 44.
Interviewed by Oreste Bossini, Radio3 Suite program, Italian national radio (RAI 3), July 15, 2004.
Interviewed by Gianfranco de Turris re. In Cima — Giuseppe Terragni per Margherita Sarfatti, Italian national radio news (RAI Uno), GR1, June 26, 2004.
Feature article and interview, “S’inaugura domani al palazzo Barbaran da Porto l’esposizione curata da Jeffrey Schnapp: lo abbiamo intervistato,” Il Giornale di Vicenza, June 25, 2004, p. 33.
Interviewed by Antonio Riccardi, morning program, Swiss National Radio (Italian program), Feb. 16, 2004.
Interviewed by Gianfranco de Turris re. Anno X. La Mostra della Rivoluzione fascista del 1932, Italian national radio news (RAI Due and RAI Tre) GR2 and GR3, Nov. 30, 2003.
“Interview with Norman Foster,” R. Buckminster Fuller and Friends: A Conversation Series, Media Solutions, Oct. 2003.
Interviewee and scholarly consultant, Libera 1903-2003 — Memoria di un architetto moderno (documentary film), a Filmwork (Trento-Milan) production, with Massimiliano Fuksas, Bernardo Bertolucci, Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Vittorio Savi, Giorgio Ciucci, Lisa Ponti, Giovanni Marzari et alii; director Stefano Canzio, producer Luca dal Bosco, released fall 2003,
“E il fascismo creò la politica dell’immagine,” presentation by Giovanni Belardelli, Corriere della sera (July 23, 2003): 31.
“Mostra del 1932: L’avanguardia diventa liturgia,” interviewed by Andrea Cortellessa, Il Manifesto (July 19, 2003): 21.
“Interview with Theodore Roszak,” R. Buckminster Fuller and Friends: A Conversation Series, Media Solutions, April 2003.
“Asfalto,” interviewed with Mirko Zardini and Ezio Giraldi, Radio3 Suite program, hosted by Oreste Bossini, Italian national radio, Rai Tre Radio, March 25, 2003.
“Interview with Kenneth Snelson,” R. Buckminster Fuller and Friends: A Conversation Series, Media Solutions, Feb. 2003.
“Interview with Allegra Fuller-Snyder,” R. Buckminster Fuller and Friends: A Conversation Series, Media Solutions, Jan. 2003.
“End Paper: Flights of Fancy,” The Chronicle Review — Chronicle of Higher Education (Oct. 4, 2002): B19.
“Dopo il sogno tecnologico,” interviewed by Ida Dominijanni, Il Manifesto (Sept. 15, 2002): 12.
“Pot of Gold: Simple Octagonal Aluminum Espresso Pot Overflows with the Lore of Coffee Drinking,” interviewed by John Tanasychuk, South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Feb. 21, 2002): 1e-8e.
“Interview with Thomas Zung,” R. Buckminster Fuller and Friends: A Conversation Series, Media Solutions, Feb. 13, 2002.
“Interview with Ed Applewhite,” R. Buckminster Fuller and Friends: A Conversation Series, Media Solutions, Jan. 30, 2002.
“Interview with Shoji Sadao,” R. Buckminster Fuller and Friends: A Conversation Series, Media Solutions, Jan. 16, 2002.
“Sotto il velo del melting plot,” interviewed by Ida Dominijanni, Il Manifesto (Sept. 29, 2001): 8.
“Stanford Humanities Lab Offers Opportunities for Collaboration and Alternative Forms of Research and Teaching,” Academic Leader 17.10 (Oct. 2001): 8.
“Un genio al MART: L’archivio Ciocca: un ingegnere che scoprì il futuro,” interviewed by Sandra Mattei, Alto Adige [Trento] (Feb. 2, 2001): 15.
“Sem massa e sem mitologias. Entrevista com Jeffrey Schnapp,” interviewed by Cecilia Costa, Prosa e Verso supplement, O Globo [Rio de Janeiro] (Sept. 16, 2000): 6.
“Taking Dance to Strange New Places [interview with Pina Bausch],” San Jose Mercury News (Oct. 24, 1999): 1, 4.
“An Evening with Pina Bausch and the Wuppertal Tanztheater,” interviewer and moderator, Presidential Lectures and Symposia, Stanford, October 18, 1999.
“Anzichè arte rivoluzionaria, furono soltanto luci, chiasso e sparatorie,” Corriere della Sera (April 27, 1996): 23.
“Vanguarda e Pós-modernidade: Entrevista com Jeffrey T. Schnapp,” interviewed by Rubens Alves Pereira and João Freire Filho, Escrita 2.3 (July-Dec. 1997): 240-62.
“Ligações perigosas. Pesquisadores de Stanford reavaliam as relações entre os modernistas e o fascismo,” interviewed by Marília Martins, O Globo—Segundo Caderno, (Sept. 22, 1996): 1-4.
“Fiasco littorio sul Lungarno,” interviewed by Pierpaolo Antonello, L’Unità (July 1, 1996): 7.
“Fascism and Culture,” interviewed by Matthew Leonard, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, broadcast July 1993.
“Art and Propaganda,” interviewed by Wayne Pond, Soundings, National Public Radio, broadcast Oct. 1992.
“The Dartmouth Dante Project,” interviewed by Susan Stamberg, All Things Considered, National Public Radio, broadcast March 1985.