curatorial projects — current and recent

  • Anelli di congiunzione: PERFORMANCE, art director, consultant, and co-developer (with Kim Albrecht, Giacomo Nanni, and Dario Rodighiero) of a data storytelling immersive environment on the history of the Winter Olympics 1924-2024; the second of three exhibitions in preparation for the 2026 Milano-Cortina Winter Olympics; Fondazione Museo Storico di Trento, Gallerie di Piedicastello, Trento, on exhibit from February 2025 to January 2026.
  • Anelli di congiunzione: RECORDS, art director, consultant, and developer (with Kim Albrecht, metaLAB Berlin) of a data storytelling immersive environment on the history of the Winter Olympics 1924-2024; the first of three exhibitions in preparation for the 2026 Milano-Cortina Winter Olympics; Fondazione Museo Storico di Trento, Gallerie di Piedicastello, Trento, open February 2024 to January 2025.


curatorial projects — past

  • L’Italia veloce – Arts et design au XXe siècle, exhibition dedicated to the collection of the Fondazione Sonia e Massimo Cirulli co-curated with Juliette Faivre-Preda, Musée d’Art Moderne, Troyes, France; the exhibition is divided into six sections: La nouvelle religion-morale de la vitesse, L’épopée du vol (Aeropeinture), Du photodynamisme au néo-réalisme, La modernité de l’antiquité (Metafisica et suites), Artevita et naissance du design, and Cinéma, théâtre et opéra; June-Nov. 2024.
  • Universo futurista :: Futurist Universe, originally held at the Fondazione Massimo e Sonia Cirulli in Bologna (April 21, 2018-June 21, 2019) has now been re-curated and will run between Sept. 6 and Dec. 4, 2022 at the Tsinghua University Art Museum in Beijing, China.
  • Curatorial A(i)gents, presents a series of machine-learning experiments with Harvard Art Museums’ collections and data developed by members and affiliates of metaLAB (at) Harvard. The program is scheduled to run March 1 through May 15, 2022 as part of an extended metaLAB residency in the Harvard Art Museums’ Lightbox Gallery.
  • museoFUTURO – un percorso [per]formativo in dieci stanze, with Daniele Ledda and Elisabetta Terragni, an online and on-site workshop in experimental museology, Museo Madre, Naples, Italy, Fall 2020-Spring 2021; continuations under discussion.
  • concept development and consulting, Lavori in corso :: Work in progress, a constantly shifting assemblage of micro- and meso-exhibitions from the Fondazione Cirulli collections, Fondazione Massimo e Sonia Cirulli, Spazio Simon Gavina, Bologna, scheduled to open October 23, 2019 and run through 5/17/2021.
  • with Kim Albrecht, Chiara Fauda-Pichet, and Mindy Seu, Womanhouse: A Memory Theater, an installation on “memory traces of the daydreams that women have as they wash, bake, cook, sew, clean and iron their lives away … taken to fantasy proportions” (30/1/1970-28/2/1970), installation piece for “Wo Kunst geschehen kann – Die frühen Jahre des Calarts :: Where art might happen: The early years of CalArts,” Kestnergesellschaft, Hannover, Germany, August 30 – November 10, 2019; March 13 – June 7, 2020, Kunsthaus Graz.
  • Universo futurista :: Futurist Universe, Fondazione Massimo e Sonia Cirulli, Spazio Simon Gavina, Bologna; inaugural exhibition, opened April 21, 2018, closed June 21, 2019. Echoing the Balla manifesto (“Ricostruzione futurista dell’universo”), “Futurist universe” is informed by a curatorial approach that is at once flexible and lively (not museological in the conventional sense of the word). Its protagonist is the Cirulli Foundation collection, exhibited in all of its heterogeneity, with minimal reliance upon loans from the outside. The show is built around five main structural units: a grand hall, a wall of manifestos, costellazioni / constellations (8 thematic micro, meso or macro curatorial units), orbite / orbits (6 monographic areas devoted to specific figures whose work is well documented in the collection), and spazi / spaces (2 installations built around furnishings).
  • BZ 18-45, chief consulting curator and scientific advisor, Bolzano Monument to Victory/Siegesdenkmal/Monumento alla Vittoria documentation-center/museum project, carried out with Gruppe Gut Gestaltung, Bolzano, leading local scholars and archivists (Ugo Soragni, Hannes Obermair, Andrea di Michele, Silvia Spada, Christine Roilo) and the Sovraintendenza per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici del Veneto, 2012-2014; inaugurated July 21, 2014. Includes multimedia site intervention, website, signage throughout city, development of interactive installations in access corridor and crypt, and installation of a permanent exhibition gallery around the periphery of the mausoleum that traces the history of Bolzano and the Alto Adige in the interwar period.
  • Panorama of the Cold War / Panorama della Guerra Fredda (Studio Terragni Architetti / Schnapp / XY communications), full concept development of Cold War museum in site of former submarine base at Gjiri i Panormes / Porto Palermo, Albania, spring-summer 2011. Already included in the Albanian Pavilion at the 2012 Venice Biennale of Architecture, a revised version of the project was exhibited in Erasmus Effect – Architetti italiani all’estero / Italian Architects Abroad at the MAXXI in Rome (Dec. 2013-April 2014). Approved by the Albanian Ministry of Culture; funding being sought.
  • Ski Past, artistic director and co-curator, (exhibition for the FIS world nordic ski games in Val di Fiemme, Trentino Alto Adige) installed at Le Gallerie experiential history exhibition space in repurposed highway tunnels, Trento, Italy), with Daniele Ledda, XY communications, October 2012 – October 2013.
  • Le Gallerie (Studio Terragni architetti/ Schnapp /FilmWork /Gruppe Gut) included in Laboratorio Italia: Ailati, Italian Pavilion, XII Biennale di Venezia di Architettura, Aug.-Nov. 2010; new version featured in Re-Cycle: Strategies for Architecture, City and Planet, MAXXI – Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo (Rome), Dec. 2011-April 2012.
  • The Thing Tank, assisted by Ignacio Gonzalez Galan, Graduate School of Design, Harvard U, Jan. 2009.
  • Storicamante ABC, curator-in-chief/developer of an experiential history exhibition in Le Gallerie, one of two abandoned 300 meter highway tunnels in Trento, Italy, with lab space in second tunnel, in collaboration with Elisabetta Terragni (Studio Terragni), Filmwork (Trento), and Gruppe Gut (Bolzano); a partnership with the Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino (director Giuseppe Ferrandi); funded by the Provincia Autonoma del Trentino-Alto Adige, inaugurated Dec. 5, 2009.
  • SPEED limits / La Vitesse et ses limites, guest curator, Canadian Center for Architecture, May-Nov. 2009; Wolfsonian-FIU, Sept. 2010-March 2011; the project is a partnership between the Canadian Centre for Architecture (Montreal) and the Wolfsonian-FIU (Miami). Documented in CCA on View, ed. Jayne Kelley, (Montreal: Canadian Center for Architecture, 2017), pp. 97-101.
  • I Trentini e la Grande Guerra (Il popolo scomparso/la sua storia ritrovata), director/curator/designer/developer of a WWI history exhibition in Le Gallerie, two abandoned 300 meter highway tunnels in Trento, Italy, in collaboration with Elisabetta Terragni (Studio Terragni Architetti) and Filmwork (Trento); a partnership with the Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino (director Giuseppe Ferrandi); funded by the Provincia Autonoma del Trentino-Alto Adige, open Aug. 19 – Nov. 16, 2008.
  • Casa per tutti, guest curator, in collaboration with Fulvio Irace et alii, Triennale di Milano, May-Sept. 1, 2008.
  • Orodautore. Omaggio a Piero, co-curator with Philippe Daverio, Galleria Comunale di Arte Contemporanea, Arezzo, March 24-July 22, 2007.
  • Revolutionary Tides, guest curator, a partnership between the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for the Visual Arts (Stanford), The Wolfsonian-Florida International University, the Hoover Institution Archives, and the Stanford Humanities Lab; exhibition ran Sept. 14, 2005 – Dec. 31, 2005 at the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for the Visual Arts; Feb. 24, 2006 – July 25, 2006 at The Wolfsonian-Florida International University.
  • In cima– Giuseppe Terragni per Margherita Sarfatti (Architetture della memoria nel ‘900), guest curator, Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio, Palazzo Barbaran da Porto, Vicenza, June 26, 2004-Jan. 6, 2005.
  • Piero Portaluppi — Linea errante nell’architettura italiana del ‘900, member of curatorial team, Triennale di Milano, 9/19/2003-1/4/2004.
  • Asfalto/asphalte/asphalt — Il carattere della città, curatorial consultant, Triennale di Milano, 2003.


guest critic in a variety of art, design, and architecture studios: Greg Lynn Form; Krzysztof Wodiczko; Jose Luis Vallejo and Belinda Tato (Ecosistema Urbano); Iñaki Abalos (Abalos+Sentkiewicz); A. Hashim Sarkis (Hashim Sarkis Studios); Media Archeology of Place seminars (Lucien Castaing-Taylor, Ernst Karel, Jesse Shapins).

museum and art foundation boards; art and design juries

  • Member, Working group for the revision of the Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura project, Milan, 2021-.
  • Board member, Museo Madre, Naples, Italy, 2020.
  • Member of jury, Playable Museum Award, Museo Marino Marini, Florence, Italy, 2018.
  • Member of Advisory Board, Nuovo Polo della Cultura di Modena, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, Modena, Italy, 2017-.
  • Member of jury (international board), The Design Prize (DesignBoom and Abitare), March 2017.
  • Member of jury for Design Build on the North Allston Campus, Harvard, Fall 2017.
  • Member of advisory board, Museo Marino Marini, Florence, Italy, 2016-2018.
  • President of Comitato Scientifico, Centro Studio e Archivio della Comunicazione, University of Parma, 2015-2020.
  • Member of Advisory Committee, Fondazione Massimo e Sonia Cirulli, Bologna, Italy, 2014-.