selected leadership/administrative responsibilities
at Harvard
- Chair, Department of Comparative Literature, 2022-.
- Member, Arts and Humanities Strategic Planning Group, 2020-2024.
- Member, Faculty Risk Advisory Panel, Harvard University, 2018-.
- Chair (acting), Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, 2020-2021.
- Director of Graduate Studies, Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures, 2017-2018.
- Member, Electronic Communications Policy Committee (2016-2019).
- Chair, Science Center Atrium and Cabot Library Redesign Committee (2013-2015).
- Member, Film and Visual Studies Standing Committee, VES, (2013-2015).
- Member, Faculty Council, (2011-2012).
- Member, GSAS Policy Committee (2011-).
- Member, Digital Arts and Humanities Committee (2011-2016).
- Member of Faculty, Critical Media Studies (2011-).
- Member, Advisory Board, The Institute for Applied Computational Science (2013-)
- Member, Harvard Academic Computing Committee (2011-).
at Stanford
- Founder and director, Stanford Humanities Lab: 1999-2009.
- Director of Graduate Studies, French and Italian Studies 2007-2009.
- Chairman, Department of French and Italian Studies: 1998-2001.
- Director of Graduate Studies, Comparative Literature: 1997.
- Chairman, Department of Comparative Literature: 1993-96.
- Chair, Division of Languages, Cultures, and Literatures: 1994-95.
- Member of Faculty Council of the School of Humanities and Sciences, 1992-96.
- Chairman, Italian Studies: 1985-1987, 1988-1993.
editorships and editorial boards
- co-director (with Gianpiero Bosoni and Elena Dellapiana), AIS Design. Storia e ricerche (2021-).
- member of advisory board, Bonomia University Press, Dipartimento delle Arti, University of Bologna, Bologna (2018-).
- series editor and founder, metaLABprojects, Harvard University Press (2011-2017); MIT Press (2017-). Series launch spring 2014; MIT relaunch fall 2020.
- board member, OCR (Operational and Curatorial Research – Contemporary Art, Design, Technology, and Science), (2014-2018)
- member of editorial board, Idee in Form@zione, (2015-)
- member of editorial board, Italica, (2014-)
- member of advisory board, TransPostCross, University of Bologna (2012-).
- member of advisory board, Sensate – A Journal for Experimental Media Practice, Harvard U (2011-).
- member of advisory board, Uomo Nero, Dipartimento di storia dell’arte e dello spettacolo, Università di Milano (2012-).
- member of editorial board, Biblioteca di Architettura, L’Ornitorinco Edizioni, Milan (2011-2018).
- member of advisory board, Iris, University of Edinburgh (2011-).
- member of editorial board, Quaderni sull’opera d’arte contemporanea, et al. edizioni, Venice, Italy (2011-).
- member of consulting board, ARCADE: Literature, Culture and Society, an online journal and knowledge environment published by the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Stanford U (2009-2014).
- member of editorial board, REM. Ricerche su Educazione e Media / Research on Media and Education, (2009-).
- member of advisory board, Modernism/modernity, (2014-2019).
- editor and director of Harvard [formerly Stanford] editorial office, Modernism/modernity, (2002-2013).
- member of editorial board, Modernism/modernity, (1994-2002, 2020-present).
- member of editorial board, Vectors: Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular, electronic journal published by the USC Annenberg School of Communications (2004-2010).
- member of editorial board, Stanford U Press (2003-2007).
- member of editorial board, Literary Conjugations series, University of Washington Press (2003-2008).
- member of international advisory board, Common Ground (Sydney/Victoria/New York), (2003-2007).
- member of editorial board Palavra (Rio de Janeiro) (2003-2009).
- member of advisory board, PMLA (1997-2000).
- member of editorial board, L’Alighieri (2001-).
- member of advisory board, Letteratura Italiana Antica (1999-2012).
- editor in chief, Stanford Italian Review (1993-1994).
- associate editor, Stanford Italian Review (1985-1993).
- member of editorial board, Stanford Literature Review (1985-1989).
- member of advisory board, Dialoghi. Rivista di Studi Italiani (1997-2002).
- member of advisory board, Stanford Humanities Review (1993-2002).
- consulting editor, Figurae: New Studies in Medieval Culture series, Stanford UP (1989-2002).
- member of editorial board, Stanford French and Italian Monograph Series (1985-1994).
- series co-editor (with Richard J. Golsan, Christopher Flood and Richard Wolin), European Horizons: Politics, Ideology, Critique series, U of Nebraska P, (1997-2003).
- member of advisory board, South Central Review: The Journal of the South Central Modern Language Association (1993-).
- member of editorial collective, Tabloid: A Review of Mass Culture & Everyday Life (1978-81).
reader and consultant for Art Issues, Speculum, Traditio, Renaissance Quarterly, Journal of Architecture Education, PMLA, Viator, Modern Philology, Polity Press, U of California, Chicago, Cornell, Duke, Harvard, MIT, U of Michigan, New England, Stanford U, U of Pennsylvania, Penn State, and Yale U Presses., in the fields of art, architecture, design, literature, and cultural history.
conferences and events organized (selected)
- Food Design, co-organizer with the Office of the Provost, Harvard U, Oct. 2017.
- openLAB evenings, metaLAB (at) Harvard’s recurring series of public hack/demo/project/art events, arts@29 garden street, Cambridge, 2012-.
- ACL(x), unconference event, American Comparative Literature Association, Penn State, Oct. 2011.
- with Gunnar Liestøl, “Digital Design and/in the Arts & Humanities,” Inventio seminar, SHL/Dept. of Media & Communication, University of Oslo, Stanford U, April 2009.
- “The Music of Italian and Russian Futurism: Two Evenings with Daniele Lombardi,” Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for the Visual Arts, Stanford, Feb. 2009.
- “Speed and its Limits // La Vitesse et ses limites,” Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, Canada, June 2008.
- Metaverse U,” (with Henrik Bennetsen, Matteo Bittanti, Dena DeBry, Henry Lowood et al.), Stanford University, Feb. 2008.
- “Poéticas do inventário — Coleções, Listas, Séries e Arquivos na cultura contemporânea,” co-convenor (with Flora Süssekind [FCRB/UNIRIO], Maria Esther Maciel [UFMG], and Tânia Dias [FCRB]), Centro de Pesquisa, Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2006.
- “After Crowds” seminar, in conjunction with the exhibition Revolutionary Tides, Stanford U, Nov. 2005.
- “Special Effects 2000,” Stanford Presidential Symposium, co-organizer (with Scott Bukatman, Helen Tartar, David Hannah, Terry Winograd, Pamela Lee), Stanford U, May 2000.
- “The Athlete’s Body,” co-organizer (with H. U. Gumbrecht, Rick Schavone, and Ted Leland), Dept. of Comparative Literature and Dept. of Athletics, Stanford U, May 1995.
- “Disciplining Literature: Past, Present, and Future Institutions of Literary Study,” organizer, Stanford U, May 1994.
- “Fascinating Fascism,” organizer, Stanford U and Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Oct. 1993.
- “Nietzsche in Italy,” co-organizer (with Robert Harrison), Stanford U, April 1986.
- “The Ends of Rhetoric,” co-organizer (with David Wellbery, John Bender, Thomas Heller), Program in Comparative Literature, Stanford U, Feb. 1987.
other professional activities
- Member, Advisory board, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milan, 2022-2024.
- Member, Scientific board, Premio letterario nazionale Forum Traiani, 2023-.
- Member, International advisory board, Department Digital Humanities and Social Studies, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, Dec. 2021-.
- Member, Advisory board, Digital Humanities, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, Nov. 2021-.
- Participant, Policy Scrum on the Future of Delivery, New Urban Mechanics (City of Boston) and Harvard Kennedy School, 4 sessions, March/April 2020.
- Member of selection committee for faculty fellowships, Cogut Institute for the Humanities, Brown University, Providence, RI, January 2018.
- Chairman, External review committee, Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, Oct. 2017.
- Advisor and consultant to the Assessorato Università, Ricerca, Politiche Giovanili, Dec. 2016.
- Participant, Mellon Foundation Digital Media and Humanities oversight convening, Nov. 2016.
- Advisory Board, The Open Syllabus Project
- Steering committee, IMLS Planning Grant Innovate to Educate: Revisioning Library and Information Science Education, 2014-2015.
- The DanteLab, Dartmouth College, Board Member, 2013-
- Member of Committee on Governance, American Comparative Literature Association, 2010-2012.
- Member of Jury, University of Edinburgh Gadda Prize 2010-2012.
- Member of Jury, Premio Impresa e Cultura tenth edition, winter-spring 2007.
- Member of CELJ Phoenix award jury, 2004.
- Reader of Fellowship Applications, Bourses Chateaubriand, 1999, 2000.
- Reader of Fellowship Applications, Getty Research Center, 1997, 1998, 2006-.
- Final Selection Committee, National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Feb. 1996.
- Director, Research Workshop on “The Letter of the Law,” Stanford Humanities Center, 1995-96.
- Site Evaluator of Newberry Library, Chicago; Program for Academic Institutes and Research Centers, National Endowment for the Humanities, Feb. 1995.
- Nominating Committee, Dante Society of America, 1994-97.
- Member of Evaluating Panel for Translation Projects, National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, DC, Sept. 1994.
- Fellows final selection committee, Stanford Humanities Center, 1993.
- Reader of fellowship applications, Stanford Humanities Center, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1997-.
- Reader of fellowship applications, National Humanities Center, 1991, 1992, 1997, 1998, 2000-.
- Member of Program Committee, Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Stanford University, March 1992.
- Discussant, “Überbau/Neubau/Abbau: Nietzsche and an Architecture of our Minds,” Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, Los Angeles, Nov. 1989.
- Co-director, The Stanford Dante Institute, Stanford U Humanities Center, Summer 1988. NEH-sponsored Summer Institute for University Faculty.
- Consultant, Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, Los Angeles, Feb. 1987.
- Discussant, “Italian Fascist Architecture in the Colonies: A Symposium.” Center for the Advanced Study of the Visual Arts, National Gallery, Washington, DC, Nov. 1987.
- Member of Evaluating Panel for University Research Fellowships, National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, DC, Aug. 1987, July 1993.
- Co-director, The Dartmouth Dante Institute, Dartmouth Coll., Summer 1985 and Summer 1986.
- Database Director and Editorial Supervisor 1984-85 and Editor 1985-89, The Dartmouth Dante Project. NEH-sponsored pilot database project now up and running on the www.