fresh or forthcoming pixels and print

  • “Prefazione,” In onore di Renato Poggioli – Atti del convegno, ed. Bianca Sulpasso, forthcoming 2024.
  • “La Fondation Massimo et Sonia Cirulli” plus six short micro-essays (“Éloge de la vitesse et de la modernité,” “Aéropeinture et épopée du vol,” “Du photodynamisme au néo-réalisme,” “La modernité de l’Antiquité,” “Arte-vita et naissance du design,” “Cinéma, Théâtre et opéra”), pp. 24-29, 60, 78, 86, 100, 106, 134, in Italia Veloce : arts et design au xxe siècle, coordinated by Juliette Faivre-Preda, Musée d’Art Moderne de Troyes, (Heule: Snoek, 2024).
  • “La Xerografia come performance,” pp. 31-37 in Bruno Munari. La leggerezza dell’arte, Eataly Art House, Verona, (Edizioni, 2023); exhibition runs Oct. 13, 2023 – March 13, 2024.
  • “Democracy GPT,” forthcoming in Technology and Democracy: Delphi Dialogues 1, (Athens: European Cultural Centre of Delphi, 2024).
  • “La radio in cristallo,” forthcoming in Franco Albini, Giampiero Bosoni ed., (Milan: Silvana Editoriale, 2024).
  • “Let Robots Be Robots,” special issue “Sono hackerate,” LayOutmagazine (June 2023): 50-69.
  • “Visualizzare e raccontare. La narrazione multimediale,” Progettare la conoscenza: il seminario di Harvard #6, La gazzetta di Mantova (May 13, 2023): 38-39.
  • “Se le collaborazioni diventano collisioni. L’importanza di cercare strade innovative,” Progettare la conoscenza: il seminario di Harvard #5, La gazzetta di Mantova (April 30, 2023): 41.
  • “La cinepresa e la teoria della ricerca. Una rivincita per i capelli di Angela Davis,” Progettare la conoscenza: il seminario di Harvard #4, La gazzetta di Mantova (March 19, 2023): 38.
  • “Come cambia l’idea di collezione. Il lavoro curatoriale nell’era digitale” Progettare la conoscenza: il seminario di Harvard #3, La gazzetta di Mantova (March 5, 2023): 33.
  • “Immersione nel regno del suono per nuove possibilità espressive” Progettare la conoscenza: il seminario di Harvard #2, La gazzetta di Mantova (Feb. 19, 2023): 42.
  • “Nuove arene per la sperimentazione. Sotto il cofano dell’Intelligenza artificiale,” Progettare la conoscenza: il seminario di Harvard #1, La gazzetta di Mantova (Feb. 5, 2023): 34.
  • “La progettazione della nuova conoscenza. Harvard dialoga con le scuole a distanza,” Cultura e spettacoli, La gazzetta di Mantova (Fed. 1, 2023): 38.
  • “Gorilla Art: Intorno a una lettera inedita di Karl Vossler a Filippo Tommaso Marinetti,” L’uomo nero. Materiali per una storia delle arti della modernità, nuova serie, 19.19-20 (Dec. 2022): 39-44.
  • with Dario Rodighiero, Lins Derry, Douglas Duhaime, Jordan Kruguer, Maximilian Mueller, Christopher Pietsch, and Jeff Steward, “Surprise Machines: Revealing Harvard Art Museums’ Image Collection,” forthcoming in Information+ special issue of the Information Design Journal 27.1 (2022): 1-14.
  • with Lins Derry, Jordan Kruguer, and Maximilian Mueller, “Designing a Choreographic Interface during COVID-19,” published in MOCO ’22: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Movement and Computing” June 2022: 1-7.
  • Prefazione, Luca de Biase, Eppur s’innova – Alla ricerca del modello italiano, dal passato al futuro, Made in Italy series, Rome: Luiss University Press, 2022. Published simultaneously with the book’s release as “Un lungo viaggio italiano al centro del complesso ecosistema dell’innovazione,” Sole 24 Ore (June 3, 2022: 13).
  • “The Aerial View from the Ground,” pp. i-iii in Visionaries, ed. Michele Lupi, (Milan: Rizzoli, 2022).
  • “Education, Technology, and Humans: An Interview with Jeffrey Schnapp,” interviewed by Art Farley and Massimo Lollini, special issue on “Steps Towards the Future: More-Than-Humanism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence,” Humanist Studies & the Digital Age 7.1 (2022): 1-12; accompanied by Jeffrey Schnapp, “Two Projects from the metaLAB (at) Harvard,” Humanist Studies & the Digital Age 7.1 (2022): 124-125.
  • editorial coordinator, “A Manifesto for the Future Stage,” published in English in American Theater, Nov. 5, 2021 and in The Theater Times, Nov. 20, 2021; in Russian (with an accompanying introduction by Emiliia Demenchova) in Discours , Nov. 9, 2021; in Portuguese as “Um manifesto para o palco futuro,” Questão de Crítica – Revista eletrônica de críticas e estudos teatrais, June 6, 2022; and reproduced in its original format at on Oct. 25, 2021; in Korean as “미래연극선언문공연은 인권이다 : 라이브테크놀로지 그리고 인류 혁신의 가능성들을 어떻게 최대한 활용할 것인가,” The Korean Theatre Journal 105 (2022): 20; in Japanese as “マニフェストの原文は、以下で読むことができます,” in Theater Arts Japan 5/14/2022.
  • “Nuove fabbriche per nuovi saperi,” pp. 149-165 in Linguaggi nella società e nella tecnica 1968-2018, Atti del convegno promosso dalla Associazione Archivio Storico Olivetti, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milano, (Ivrea: Edizioni Associazione Archivio Storico Olivetti, Dec. 2021).
  • MuseoFuturo (un percorso [per]formativo in nove stanze), Museo Madre, Naples, Italy, Oct. 2021. 240 pp. Limited edition volume documenting an experiment in museum-based education. Carried out in collaboration with Daniele Ledda (XY Comm, Milan) and Elisabetta Terragni (Studio Terragni Architetti). Edition of 70.
  • “The Flickering Page,” catalogue essay for Felice Limosani, Dante. Il poeta eterno, installation, Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence, Sept. 13, 2021 – Jan. 15, 2022.
  • Monument CemeteryReVista, the Harvard Review of Latin America, published July 5, 2021.
  • “From racing to humanities,” special issue on Turning Points, Maize magazine (Oct. 2021): 57.
  • editor, Moto Guzzi 100 Years and Moto Guzzi 100 anni, (Milan: Rizzoli International, Italian edition June 2021 // English edition forthcoming October 2021);  includes “Looking Backward (Into The Future),” “The Eagle,” “Coast to Coast,” “Down the Line,” and numerous other short texts in addition to overall editorial coordination.
  • “Compression and Composure (A Foreword),” introduction to Peter Köllerer and Wolfgang Straub, PRESENTE – Die Ossarien Norditaliens und Südtirols / Gli ossari del nord Italia e dell’ Alto Adige 1926–1941, (Vienna: Sonderzahl, 2021), pp. 9-12.
  • “Museologia [digitale]: Una conversazione con Jeffrey Schnapp,” interviewed by Maria Elena Colombo, Artribune 59 (Jan./Feb. 2021): 39.
  • “Promiscuous Adjacencies,” Love Stories by Francesco Vezzoli, Quaderni Fondazione Prada, Readings Pamphlet Series #29, 2020. Also published as podcast at
  • When the world is again unparked, will it know how to unplug?” op-ed for website of Harvard Graduate School of Design, published April 28, 2020.
  • “Un XXI secolo senza automobili?,” L’imprenditore (Confindustria) 26.1 (Feb. 2020): 14-16.
  • “Books Transformed,” pp.369-393 in The Oxford Illustrated History of the Book, ed. James R. Raven, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020); paperback edition forthcoming in 2022.
  • “L’umanesimo artificiale: oltre l’intelligenza digitale?”, with Giovanni Lo Storto, pp. 213-228 in Saperi pandemici. Gestire la crisi, programmare il futuro. LUISS master classes,  ed. Andrea Prencipe, I Capitelli, (Rome: Luiss UP, 2020).
  • with Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld, and Todd Presner, “Um breve guia para as Humanidades Digitais,” TECCOGS – Revista Digital de Tecnologias Cognitivas 21 (Jan./June) 2020: 69-98; first Portuguese translation of “A Brief Guide to the Digital Humanities” from Digital_Humanities.
  • “Dieci spunti per l’architettura post-pandemica,” pp. 74-78 in Nina Bassoli, ed., Lockdown Architecture. L’architettura e la pandemia. Quaranta lettere per Lotus, Lotus Booklet Series, (Milan: Editoriale Lotus, 2020); English version published in Home Office: The Spaces Where We Worked April/May 2020, ed. Tim Hossler.
  • “Bruno Munari, Maquette for Advertisement Forces of the Empire,” pp. 248-251 in Jodi Hauptman and Adrian Sudhalter, eds., Engineer Agitator Constructor – The Artist Reinvented, 1918-1939 – The Merrill C. Berman Collection, (New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2020) .
  • “Small Victories (BZ ’18-’45),” pp. 531-545 in Kay Bea Jones and Stephanie Pilat, eds., The Routledge Companion to Italian Fascist Architecture: Reception and Legacy, (Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2020).
  • La vie intime des objets culturels,” special issue on “Musées et mondes numériques,” Culture & Musées 35 (published online June 1, 2020): 189-209.
  • Ripartenze: Un abaco per immaginare la città che ci aspetta,” a response to the 2020 REpower White Paper on Sustainable Mobility, published May 15, 2020.
  • metaLAB (at) Harvard — Selected Works 2011-2020, introduced by Jeffrey Schnapp, edited by Matthew Battles and Jeffrey Schnapp, designed by Chelsea Qiu, (Cambridge, MA: metaLAB, 2020), 164 pp.
  • Old Media Don’t Go Away: They Mutate — An Interview with Jeffrey Schnapp,” with Carmen Birkle and Brigitte Däwes, Amerikastudien/American Studies (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien) 64.1 (2019), 111-125.
  • “Technology,” p. 385 in Vivien Greene and Nancy Spector (eds.), Guggenheim Museum Collection: A to Z, (Guggenheim Museum, New York: 2019).
  • “Memory Theater” and “Interview with Kim Albrecht and Jeffrey Schnapp,” pp. 45-56 in Tacit Knowledge: Feminism – California Institute for the Arts 1970-77, ed. Annette Jael Lehmann and Verena Kittel, Practice-Based Research, FU Berlin/Spector Books (2019).
  • with Kim Albrecht, “CalArts Data Portraiture” with two page panoramic data visualization inserts, pp. 129-133 in Tacit Knowledge: Post Studio – California Institute for the Arts 1970-77, ed. Annette Jael Lehmann and Verena Kittel, Practice-Based Research, FU Berlin/Spector Books (2019).
  • with Anne Burdicková, Johanna Druckerová, Peter Lunenfeld, and Todd Presner, Jak dlouho přežijí humanitní vědy v éře počítačů? Digital_Humanities, přel. David Vichnar, (Academia: Prague, 2019).
  • “La biblioteca oltre il libro,” atti convegno La biblioteca che cresce — Contenuti e servizi tra frammentazione e integrazione (Milan 14-15 March 2019), Relazioni convegno, Fondazione Stelline, March 2019.
  • Review of Wang Min’an, Domestic Spaces in Post-Mao China – On Electronic Household Appliances, Critical Inquiry, U of Chicago Press, 2019.
  • “Drawing a century / Disegnare un secolo,” pp. 1-27 in Disegno Italiano del XX secolo, ed. Irina Zucca Alessandrelli, (Milan: Silvia Editrice 2018).
  • with Marian Ibañez and Greg Lynn, “Designing at Knee Level,” special issue on “No Sweat,” Harvard Design Review 46 (fall/winter 2018).
  • Universo futurista / Futurist Universe, (Bologna: Fondazione Sonia e Massimo Cirulli, 2018). Editorial concept and introductory/curatorial essay “Universo futurista” in the form of a pamphlet (24 pp.).
  • “The Permanent Library of the Now,” Know: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge, University of Chicago Press (fall 2018): 303-320; German edition in Archives Values Futures, Aufzeichnungen der Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst FHNW, (Basel: Christoph Merian, 2017): 187-199.
  • “Luminotectonics,” “Medium” special issue, edited by Shayari de Silva, Dante Furioso, and Samantha Jaff, Perspecta, The Yale Architectural Journal 51 (Oct. 2018): 7-19.
  • “Consumo e commercio digitale,” pp. 644-660 in Storia d’Italia – Annale 27 — I consumi, Annali Einaudi, ed. Emanuela Scarpellini and Stefano Cavazza, (Turin: Giulio Einaudi editore, 2018).
  • “The Intimate Lives of Cultural Objects,” pp. 423-433 in Routledge Companion to Media Studies and Digital Humanities, ed. Jentery Sayers, (New York: Routledge, 2018).
  • “The Spectacle Factory,” pp. 258-265 and 571-574 in Post-Zang Tumb Tuuum – Art Life Politics – Italia 1918-1943, ed. Germano Celant and Chiara Costa, (Milan: Fondazione Prada, 2018). Also published as podcast at
  • “Grand Tourists,” pp. 12-15 in Marina Gorreri and Francesca Zanella eds., #GrandTourists. Immersioni nelle collezioni, accumulazioni e ossessioni dei musei e degli archivi di Parma, Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione, (Parma: Fondazione Cariparma, 2018).
  • “Doors, Tunnels, Archives, Architecture: Elihu Keller in Conversation with Jeffrey Schnapp,” Scatter! special issue, Thresholds Journal (MIT) 46 (2018): 328-343.
  • “Prefazione,” p. 8 in Ettore Sottsass, Catalogo ragionato dell’archivio 1922-1978 CSAC/Università di Parma, Francesca Zanella editor, (Milan: Silvana Editoriale, 2017).
  • “On Disciplinary Finitude,” PMLA 132.3 (2017): 1-15.
  • “The Little Theater of the Page,” pp. 115-132 in Pierpaolo Antonello, Matilde Nardelli, and Margherita Zanoletti eds., Bruno Munari – The Lightness of Art, Italian Modernities 28, (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2017).
  • “Lászlo Moholy-Nagy’s Light Prop as Design Fiction: Perspectives on Conservation and Replication,” with Joyce Tsai, Matthew Battles, and Angela Chang, essay accompanied by animated gifs of the original and replica of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy’s Light Prop kinetic sculpture/theater model, Leonardo 50.3 (2017): 304-305, 311-315; online version available at
  • “La quarta Italia,” op ed essay, Domus online edition, posted May 17, 2017; available at
  • FuturPiaggio. Six Italian Lessons on Mobility and Modern Life, English edition, (Milan/New York: Rizzoli, 2017).
  • FuturPiaggio. Sei lezioni italiane sulla mobilità e sulla vita moderna, Italian edition, (Milan/New York: Rizzoli, 2017).
  • with Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld, and Todd Presner, Digital_Humanities, Chinese translation, China Renmin University Press, 2017.
  • “Librarians Discuss the Future: Panel Discussion,” special issue on “The Future of Libraries in the Digital Age,” I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 13.1 (Fall 2016): 318-32.
  • “Cold Storage” [visual essay], pp. 173-181 MCHAP The Americas, guest ed. Fabrizio Gallanti, (Barcelona: Actar, Gustavo Gili, and Illinois Institute of Technology Architectural College Press, 2016).
  • “Intervista a Jeffrey T. Schnapp,” pp. 34-41 in BZ ’18-’45: un monumento, una città, due dittature — Un percorso espositivo nel Monumento alla Vittoria, Folio series, (Milan: Morellini Editore, 2016).
  • “Home Page,” pp. 110-115 in After Belonging, ed. by Lluís Alexandre Casanovas Blanco, Ignacio González Galán, Carlos Mínguez Carrasco, Alejandra Navarrete Llopis, and Marina Otero Verzier, Oslo Architecture Triennale, (Zurich: Lars Müller, 2016).
  • Some Thoughts on Curating Knowledge,” Parameters, Social Science Research Council, Digital Culture Initiative, published online on Oct. 26, 2016. An Editor’s Choice selection on Digital Humaities Now.
  • Blueprint for Counter Education — Expanded Reprint, a new edition of Maurice Stein and Larry Miller’s 1970 work, edited by Jeffrey Schnapp and designed by Adam Michaels — Project Projects, (New York: Inventory Books, 2016). The volume contains: Schnapp, “Blueprint for a Blueprint” (an essay/introduction); Paul Cronin, “Recovering and Rendering Vital — Blueprint for Counter Education at the California Institute of the Arts”; “Questioning Enlightenment Logic” (an interview with Stein, Miller, Henrichs carried out by Schnapp and Cronin); and other documentary materials.
  • Danish translation of “Knowledge Design,” trans. Nanna Bonde Thylstrup, Kritik Spring 2015.
  • “(No) Vacancy,” pp. 280-287 in Karen Kelly ed., Lynn Hershman Leeson — Civic Radar, exhibition curated by Peter Weibel, ZKM – Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2016.
  • Digital_Humanities, new paperback edition (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2016)
  • “Buried (and) Alive,” pp. 15-19 in L’Internationale (Winter 2016), available at
  • Interviewed (along with Andrea Branzi, Paola Zatti, Cino Zucchi, Franco Raggi, Mario Bellini, Lea Vergine, and Stefano Boeri) by Marco Sammicheli for “L’evento sorpresa / The Surprise,” Abitare 551 (Feb. 2016): 54-59.
  • “Il teatrino della pagina,” pp. 31-40 in Giovanni Rubino and Marco Sammicheli eds., Munari Politecnico. Fare dell’arte con qualunque mezzo, Museo del ‘900, (Milan: Nomos, 2015).
  • “Blueprint for Counter Education,” an introduction accompanied by an interview with Maurice Stein, Larry Miller, and Marshall Henrichs, pp. 419-424, Andrew Blauvelt ed., Hippie Modernism — The Struggle for Utopia, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, (New York: Artbook/DAP, Oct. 2015).
  • “Novos Métodos e Géneros nas Humanidades Digitais,” pp. 217-253 in Eros, Tecnologia, Transumanismo – Figurações Culturais Contemporâneas, eds. M. C. Monteiro, G. Giucci, and D. Pinho, (Rio de Janeiro: Editora Caetes, 2015).
  • “Manifeste pour des humanités numériques 2.0,” trans. Quentin Julien and Yves Citton, Multitudes 59 (2015) as part of a Dossier sur “Humanités numériques 3.0”.
  • Digital Humanities, ed. Maria Grazia Mattei, Meet the Media Guru series, (Milan: Egea, 2015). [Essay in Italian on digital approaches to cultural heritage issues]
  • The Scale of the Human Record,” 2014 Annual Getty Trust Report, Getty Foundation, Los Angeles.

unpublished & shareable

  • Knowledge Design, presented at Emerging Disciplines conference, Rice U, Feb. 2011. Rough early draft of the piece eventually published in the Herrenhausen Lectures pamphlet series at the Volkswagen Foundation in 2014.
  • “The Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0,” lead authors Jeffrey Schnapp and Todd Presner, with contributions by Peter Lunenfeld, Johanna Drucker, members of the UCLA Mellon Seminar on the Digital Humanities (“What Is(n’t) Digital Humanities?) and members of the DH community.
  • Fragments of a media archeological history of literature (teaching notes, 1995 [subsequently revised]).
  • for other items, see “click to read” below.


books, monographs and catalogues

  • The Transfiguration of History at the Center of Dante’s Paradise. Princeton & Guildford: Princeton U P, 1986.
  • David Humphrey. New York: David McKee Gallery, 1988.
  • L’Espositione di Bernardino Daniello da Lucca sopra la Commedia di Dante. Ed. with Robert Hollander; in collaboration with Kevin Brownlee and Nancy J. Vickers. Hanover & London: U P of New England, 1989. Originally developed in 1985 as a digital edition, available at
  • The Poetry of Allusion: Virgil and Ovid in Dante’s Commedia. Ed. With Rachel Jacoff. Stanford: Stanford U P, 1991.
  • Staging Fascism: 18 BL and The Theater of Masses for Masses. Stanford: Stanford U P, 1996. Preface by Hal Foster. Expanded edition (in Italian translation), 18 BL. Mussolini e l’opera d’arte di massa. Milan: Garzanti Editore, 1996.
  • A Primer of Italian Fascism. Ed. With commentary, chronology, and introduction. Trans. by Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Olivia E. Sears, and Maria Stampino. European Horizons series. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000.
  • Gaetano Ciocca. Costruttore, inventore, agricoltore, scrittore. Preface by Giorgio Ciucci; appendices by Massimo Martignoni and Paola Pettenella. Quaderni di Architettura 3. Museo di Arte Moderna, Trento-Rovereto. Milan: Skira, 2000.
  • Jonathan Hammer. Step Right Up! (Blackface/Caranegra) Madrid, Spain: Galería Fúcares, 2000.
  • Vedette fiumane. L’occupazione vista e vissuta da Madeleine Witherspoon Dent Gori-Montanelli, crocerossina americana, e da Francesco Gori-Montanelli, Capo del Genio e del reparto fotografico. Ed. With introduction, notes, and iconographic apparatus. Trans. Valentina Ricci. Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2000.
  • Hugo Ball/Jonathan Hammer, Ball and Hammer (Tenderenda the Fantast). Ed. and introduced by Jeffrey T. Schnapp. New Haven: Yale U P, 2002.
  • Anno X. La Mostra della Rivoluzione fascista del 1932: genesi – sviluppo – contesto culturale-storico – ricezione. With an afterword by Claudio Fogu. Piste – Piccola biblioteca di storia 4. Rome-Pisa: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2003.
  • Building Fascism, Communism, Democracy: Gaetano Ciocca—Builder, Inventor, Farmer, Writer, Engineer. Stanford: Stanford U P, 2003.
  • In cima– Giuseppe Terragni per Margherita Sarfatti (Architetture della memoria nel ‘900). Ed. and introduced by Jeffrey T. Schnapp. Centro Internazionale Andrea Palladio, Vicenza, June 26, 2004-January 6, 2005. Contributors include Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Massimo Martignoni, Reinhart Koselleck, Marina Sommella Grossi, Marco de Michelis, and Ilaria Abbondandolo. Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2004.
  • Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Teatro. Ed., introduced, and annotated by Jeffrey T. Schnapp. 2 vols. Milan: Oscar Mondadori, 2004.
  • Revolutionary Tides. Authored, ed., and curated by Jeffrey T. Schnapp. Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for the Visual Arts (9/14/2005-12/31/2005); The Wolfsonian-Florida International University (2/24/2006-6/25/2006). Milan and New York: Skira – Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for the Visual Arts, 2005. [Also published in French edition, Vagues Révolutionnaires; and Italian edition L’arte del manifesto politico, Milan: Skira, 2005, with worldwide distribution provided by Rizzoli International]
  • Crowds. Co-edited and introduced with Matthew Tiews. Multimedia, multiauthor volume. Contributors include: Susanna Elm, Christine Poggi, Katherine Hayles, Stefan Jonsson, Joy Connolly, Andrew Uroskie, John Plotz, Allen Guttman, Charles Tilly, Jeffrey T. Schnapp, and others. Stanford: Stanford U P, 2006. Korean translation under contract with Stanford U Press.
  • Neoantiqua – Nove ensaios sobre literatura, linguagem e pensamento na Idade Média e no Renascimiento. Introduction by Luiz Costa-Lima. Trans. Erick Felinto de Oliveira, Alessandra Vannucci, and Maria Lucia Daflon. (Collection of essays, translated into Portuguese). Rio de Janeiro: Eduerj (Editora da Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro), 2008.
  • Italiamerica, ed. and introduced by Emanuela Scarpellini and Jeffrey T. Schnapp, vol. 1, Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori, Milan: Il Saggiatore, 2008.
  • SPEED limits. Ed. by Jeffrey T. Schnapp. Divided up into SPEED writings (inc. essays by Timothy Alborn, Yve-Alain Bois, Ed Dimendberg, Maria Gough, Nino Mastruzzo, Jeffrey Miekle, Pierre Nioxe, Marjorie Perloff, Jeffrey Schnapp, Mark Seltzer, and Anthony Vidler), SPEED readings (a historical anthology inc. writings by Nerval, De Quincey, Dickens, Whitman, Nietzsche, Morasso, Simmel, Maeterlinck, Mirbeau, Proust, João do Rio, d’Annunzio, Marinetti, Malevitch, Mendelssohn, Morand, Bel Geddes, Le Corbusier, Fuller, McLuhan, Calvino, Sansot, Portinari, Keibo), and Rush City (a visual essay). Developed in collaboration with the Wolfsonian-FIU and the Canadian Center for Architecture. Skira, Milan 2009.
  • tunnel RE vision— Studio Terragni Architetti / Jeffrey T. Schnapp / FilmWork / Gruppe Gut, with essays by Giuseppe Ferrandi, Kurt Forster, Jeffrey Schnapp, and Stanislaus van Moos, Milan 2010 (book in support of installation of the Trento Tunnels at the XII Biennale di Architettura di Venezia).
  • The Electric Information Age Book (McLuhan/Agel/Fiore and the Experimental Paperback), with Adam Michaels, preface by Steven Heller and postface by Andrew Blauvelt, Inventories series, (Princeton: Princeton Architectural Press, 2012).
  • Italiamerica, ed. by Emanuela Scarpellini and Jeffrey T. Schnapp, vol. 2, Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori, (Milan: Il Saggiatore, 2012).
  • Digital_Humanities, with Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld and Todd Presner, (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2012). An open access edition of the book is available here. Published in Italian as Umanistica_digitale, with Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld, and Todd Presner, trans. Matteo Bittanti, Saggi Oscar Mondadori 932, (Milan: Mondadori, 2014).
  • Modernitalia (a collection of essays on 20th century Italian cultural history), ed. and introduced by Francesca Santovetti, Italian Modernities Series, (New York: Peter Lang, 2012).
  • “Two Interviews with Quentin Fiore + The Future of the Book,” edited and annotated by Jeffrey T. Schnapp, pamphlet appendix to limited re-edition of The Electric Information Age Book, with Adam Michaels (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2012; 2nd ed. 2013).
  • with Matthew Battles, The Library Beyond the Book, metaLABprojects series, (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, spring 2014).
  • “Knowledge Design,” Herrenhausen Lectures pamphlet series, Volkswagen Foundation, Hannover, Germany, (2014).

special issues edited

  • “Fascism and Culture,” ed. w. Barbara Spackman, Stanford Italian Review 8.1/2 (1988).
  • “The Aesthetics of Fascism,” co-edited w. George Mosse, Journal of Contemporary History 31.2 (April 1996).
  • “Cultural and Technological Incubations of Fascism,” co-edited with H. U. Gumbrecht, Stanford Humanities Review 5 supplement (1996).
  • “Disciplining Literature,” co-edited with William Egginton and Peter Gilgen, Stanford Humanities Review 6.1 (Spring 1998).
  • “The Athlete’s Body,” co-edited with H. U. Gumbrecht, Ryan Johnson, and Karen Bergquist, Stanford Humanities Review 6.2 (Winter 1998).
  • “Archeologies of the Modern,” co-edited with Michael Shanks and Matthew Tiews, Modernism/modernity 11.1 (Jan. 2004).


  • “On/Against Mass Culture Theories,” with the Tabloid Editorial Collective (Jean Franco, Mary Louise Pratt, Tania Modoleski, Dana Polan, Kathleen Newman, Jon Spayde, and Ron Imhoff), Tabloid: A Review of Mass Culture and Everyday Life 1.1/2 (Spring-Summer 1980): 3-12; reprinted on pp. 14-24, Mass Culture and Everyday Life: The Tabloid Reader, ed. Peter Gibian, [New York: Routledge, 1997]).
  • “Mannequins,” Tabloid: A Review of Mass Culture and Everyday Life 1.1/2 (Spring-Summer 1980): 63-68.
  • “On/Against Mass Culture II: Regrouping,” with the Tabloid Editorial Collective (as above plus Peter Gibian, Annie Janowitz, and Rick Paulson), Tabloid: A Review of Mass Culture and Everyday Life 1.3 (Winter 1981): 3-9.
  • “The Militarization of Everyday Life, w. the “Tabloid Editorial Collective” (as above plus Ed Cohen), Tabloid: A Review of Mass Culture and Everyday Life 1.4 (Summer 1981): 3-16.
  • “Politics and Poetics in F. T. Marinetti’s Zang Tumb Tuuum,” Stanford Italian Review 5.1 (1985): 75-92.
  • “Nietzsche’s Italian Style: Gabriele D’Annunzio,” Stanford Italian Review 6.1/2 (1986): 265-77; reprinted in Nietzsche in Italy, ed. Thomas Harrison, (Saratoga: Anma Libri, 1988).
  • Review of Conrad H. Rawski, Petrarch’s Remedies for Fortune Fair and Foul, Romance Philology 47.3: 83-85.
  • “Dante’s Sexual Solecisms: Gender and Genre in the Commedia,” Romanic Review (Jan. 1988): 143-63; reprinted in The New Medievalism, ed. K. Brownlee, M. S. Brownlee, and S. J. Nichols, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U P, 1991), pp. 201-25.
  • “Trasfigurazione e metamorfosi nel Paradiso dantesco,” pp. 273-92 in Dante e la Bibbia, ed. G. Barblan, Biblioteca dell’Archivium Romanicum 210, (Florence: Olschki, 1988).
  • “Forwarding Address” [on Italian Futurism and Fascist Modernism], Stanford Italian Review 8.1/2 (1988): 53-80.
  • “Virgilio madre e Beatrice ammiraglio: Generi grammaticali e letterari nella Commedia,” pp. 221-42 in Dante in America, eds. R. Hollander and G. C. Alessio, (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1989).
  • Review of Peter Dronke, Dante and Latin Lyric Poetry, Italica 66 (Winter 1989): 460-3.
  • “Le parole del silenzio in Gabriele D’Annunzio,” Quaderni Dannunziani 3-4 (1989): 35-55.
  • “Between Babel and Pentecost: Imaginary Languages in the Middle Ages,” pp. 175-206 in Modernité au moyen âge: Le défi du passé, eds. C. Méla and B. Cazelles, (Geneva: Droz, 1990).
  • “Shades” [On a Portrait by De Chirico], Art Issues 13 (Sept./Oct. 1990): 20-26; reprinted in Italian trans. as “Ombre,” Il Verri (fall 2001).
  • “Cultural Integration and Disintegration in the Europe of 1992,” Italian Journal: A Bimonthly Digest of Italian Affairs 4.5 (1990): 3-6; reprinted in Insieme/Together (Winter 1990).
  • “Virgin Words: Hildegard of Bingen’s Lingua ignota and the Development of Imaginary Languages Ancient to Modern,” Exemplaria 3.2 (Oct. 1991): 1-32.
  • “Introduction,” with Rachel Jacoff, pp. 1-15 in The Poetry of Allusion; reprinted in Why Vergil? A Collection of Interpretations, ed. Stephanie Quinn, (Waucondia, Ill.: Bolchazy-Carducci, 2000).
  • “Sì pia l’ombra d’Anchise si porse: Paradiso 15.25,” pp. 145-56, 279-80 in The Poetry of Allusion.
  • “Dante’s Ovidian Self-Correction,” pp. 214-23, 289-93 in The Poetry of Allusion.
  • “Fascism’s Museum in Motion,” Journal of Architecture Education 45.2 (Feb. 1992): 87-97.
  • “Reading Lessons: Augustine, Proba and the Christian Détournement of Antiquity,” Stanford Literature Review 9.2 (fall 1992): 99-123; published in German as “Lesestunden” in Writing/Schrift/Ecriture, eds. H. U. Gumbrecht and K. L. Pfeiffer, (Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1993); and in Portuguese trans. as “Lições de Leitura: Agostinho, Proba e o détournement cristâo da antiguidade,” in monographic issue of Cadernos da Pós/Letras 15 (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1995): 9-50, with an introduction by João Cezar de Castro Rocha (5-8).
  • “Epic Demonstrations: Fascist Modernity and the 1932 Exhibition of the Fascist Revolution,” pp. 1-37, 244-52 in Fascism, Aesthetics, and Culture, ed. Richard J. Golsan, (Hanover & London: U P of New England, 1992).
  • “Heads of State,” Art Issues 24 (Sept./Oct. 1992): 23-28.
  • “A Commentary on Commentary in Boccaccio,” South Atlantic Quarterly 91.4 (Nov. 1992): 813-34. Published in an expanded Italian version as “Un commento all’autocommento nel Teseida” in Studi sul Boccaccio 20 (1992).
  • “Machiavellian Foundlings: Castruccio Castracani and the Aphorism,” Renaissance Quarterly (Winter 1992): 1-24.
  • “Introduction to Purgatory,” pp. 192-207 in The Cambridge Companion to Dante, ed. Rachel Jacoff, (Cambridge: Cambridge U P, 1993).
  • “18 BL: Fascist Mass Spectacle,” Representations 43 (Summer 1993): 89-125.
  • “Filippo Tommaso Marinetti” [introduction to and textual commentary], pp. 103-18 in Twentieth Century Italian Poetry: An Anthology, eds. Lawrence Smith and John Piccone, (Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1993).
  • “The Family Album,” [introduction to portfolio of prints], n.p. in The Family Album, ed. David Humphrey, (East Topsham, Vermont: Cone Editions, 1993).
  • “Injured by the Light: Violence and Paideia in Dante’s Purgatorio,” Dante Studies 111 (1993): 107-18.
  • “Ogni mostra realizzata è una rivoluzione ovvero le esposizioni sironiane e l’immaginario fascista,” in collaboration w. Claudio Fogu, pp. 48-61 in Mario Sironi: 1885-1961, Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna, (Rome: Electa Editrice, 1993).
  • “Propeller Talk,” Modernism/modernity 1.3 (Sept. 1994): 153-78.
  • “Border Crossings: Italian/German Peregrinations of the Theater of Totality,” Critical Inquiry 21.2 (Summer 1994): 80-123; published in Italian translation as “Passaggi di frontiera. Peregrinazioni italo-tedesche del ‘teatro della totalità,'” Intersezioni 14.3 (Dec. 1994): 435-68; published in German translation in Dimensionen historischen Vergleichens. Der Fall Weimar, eds. F. Balcke and B. Schmitt, (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1997).
  • “Between Fascism and Democracy: Gaetano Ciocca–Builder, Inventor, Farmer, Engineer,” Modernism/modernity 2.3 (Sept. 1995): 117-57.
  • “Tragedy and the Theater of Hell,” Libri poetarum in quattor species dividuntur–Essays on Dante and Genre special issue, ed. Zygmunt Baranski, supplement? — The Italianist 15 (1995): 100-27.
  • “Canto della materia I: Il rayon e i tessuti autarchici,” pp. 211-42 in “Le arti e le scienze,” Annuario di Estetica 1995, ed. Stefano Zecchi, (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1996).
  • “Worte des Schweigens in D’Annunzios Fiume-Reden,” pp. 133-45 in Der Dichter als Kommandant. D’Annunzio erobert Fiume, ed. H. U. Gumbrecht, F. Kittler, and B. Siegert, (Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1996).
  • “Fascisms-in-the-Making,” w. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, “Cultural and Technological Incubations of Fascism” special issue, Stanford Humanities Review 5 Suppl. (1996): iii-v.
  • “Fascinating Fascism,” Journal of Contemporary History 31.2 (April 1996): 235-44.
  • “Brazilian Velocities: On Marinetti’s 1926 Trip to South America,” with João Cezar de Castro Rocha, South Central Review: The Journal of the South Central Modern Language Association 13.2-3 (Summer/Fall 1996): 105-56. Published in an abridged Portuguese version as “As velocidades brasileiras de uma inimizade desvairada: O (Des)encontro de Marinetti e Mário de Andrade em 1926,” Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada (ABRALIC) [Rio de Janeiro] 3 (1996): 41-54.
  • “Un tempio moderno” [on the Danteum project], pp. 267-79 in Giuseppe Terragni. Opera completa, ed. Giorgio Ciucci, Triennale di Milano, (Electa: Milano, 1996).
  • “O Canto da Matéria (IV),” pp. 150-70 in Interseções: A Materialidade da Comunicação, ed. João Cezar de Castro Rocha, (Rio de Janeiro: Editora Imago/EDUERJ, 1996).
  • “Lucanian Estimations,” Atti del Seminario Dantesco Internazionale 1, Quaderni Società Dantesca Italiana 7, ed. Zygmunt G. Baranski, (Florence: Le Lettere, 1997): 111-34, followed by discussion 135-48.
  • “The Fabric of Modern Times,” Critical Inquiry 24 (Autumn 1997): 191-239.
  • “Crash” [research report], Center 17 (1997), National Gallery of Art, Wash., D.C., 133-6.
  • “Fascism after Fascism,” pp. 63-85 in Fascism’s Return: Scandal, Revision, and Ideology since 1980, ed. Richard J. Golsan, (Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1997).
  • “Along the Fault Line. An Epilogue to Disciplining Literature,” “Disciplining Literature,” Stanford Humanities Review 6.1 (Spring 1998): 143-52.
  • “Comp What? Some Reflections on Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism,” “Disciplining Literature,” Stanford Humanities Review 6.1 (Spring 1998): 155-59.
  • “The Athlete’s Body, Lost and Found,” with H. U. Gumbrecht, Ted Leland, and Rick Schavone, Stanford Humanities Review 6.2 (Winter 1998): vii-xii.
  • “Crash (Speed as Engine of Individuation),” Modernism/modernity 6.1 (January 1999): 1-49; published in abridged Portuguese version as “Crash. Uma antropologia da velocidade” in VI Congresso Abralic, 1998 (cd-rom); full Portuguese version appeared as “Crash: uma antropologia da velocidade ou por que ocorrem acidentes ao longo da estrada de Damasco,” Lugar Comum. Estudos de mídia, cultura e democracia 8 [Rio de Janeiro] (May/Aug. 1999): 21-62.
  • “Art/Lit Combines; or, When a Pipe is only a Pipe,” Profession (1998): 37-50; published in Portuguese translation as “Art/Lit Combines, ou, Quando um cachimbo é apenas um cachimbo,” pp. 45-54 in Leituras do ciclo, ed. Ana Luiza Andrade, Maria Lucia de Barros Camargo, and Raul Antelo, (Chapecó, Brazil: Abralic/Editora Grifos, 1999).
  • “The Killer Pace,” Art Issues 58 (Summer 1999): 30-33.
  • “The Fascist Century,” pp. 1-xxi in A Primer of Italian Fascism, (Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2000).
  • “Purgatorio,” The Dante Encyclopedia, Richard Lansing, general editor, (New York and London: Garland Publishing, 2000), 723-8.
  • “Paradiso,” The Dante Encyclopedia, Richard Lansing, general editor, (New York and London: Garland Publishing, 2000), 674-8.
  • “Bernardino Daniello,” The Dante Encyclopedia, Richard Lansing, general editor, (New York and London: Garland Publishing, 2000), 246.
  • “Lucan,” The Dante Encyclopedia, Richard Lansing, general editor, (New York and London: Garland Publishing, 2000), 572-3.
  • “Lo zucchero di Suckert, la mala leche di Malaparte,” pp. 123-53 in ed. Renato Barilli and Vittoria Baroncelli, Curzio Malaparte. Il narratore, il politologo, il cittadino di Prato e dell’Europa, (Naples: CUEN, 2000).
  • “Lectura Dantis: Canto 30, Inferno” pp. 75-84 in Sparks and Seeds: Medieval Literature and its Afterlife. Essays in Honor of John Freccero, eds. Alison Cornish and Dana Stewart, Binghamton Medieval and Early Modern Studies, (Turnhout: Brepols, 2000).
  • “Dante,” vol. 1, 305-15 in World Poets, ed. in chief Ron Padgett, 3 vols. (New York: Charles Scribner and Sons, 2000).
  • “Biting the Hand that Feeds You (On the 70th Anniversary of the Manifesto Antropófago),” “Anthropophagy Today? / Antropofagia Hoje” special issue, Nuevo Texto Critico 23/24 (fall 2000): 242-7; reprinted in Portuguese translation as “Morder a mão que alimenta,” pp. 399-404 in Antropofagia Hoje? Oswald de Andrade em Cena, eds. Jorge Rufinelli and Jõao Cezar de Castro Rocha, (São Paulo: É Realizações, 2011).
  • “1354 –Charles IV meets Petrarch in Mantua on the way to his coronation in Rome,” in The New History of German Literature, gen. ed. David E. Wellbery, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard U P, 2000); published as “Des Dichters Traum vom Herrscher. Karl IV. trifft Petrarca im Mantua,” German trans. Hans-Horst Henschen, in Merkur–Deutsche Zeitschrift für Europäisches Denken 616 (summer 2000): 708-16.
  • “The Adventures of Mother Cartridge-Pouch,” pp. 11-20 in Theatre and War 1933-1945–Performance in Extremis, ed. Michael Balfour, (New York / Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2001).
  • “Fronteiras: Ascensão e queda da multidão,” Veredas–A Revista do Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil 6.61 (Jan. 2001): 26-31.
  • “No Future,” “The Future of Literary Studies / L’avenir Des etudes littéraires” special issue, special eds. Walter Moser and H U Gumbrecht, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 9 (2001): 90–96; simultaneously published as The Future of Literary Studies, (Edmonton: Library of the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 2001).
  • “Velature,” (revised Italian translation of “Shades”) Il Verri 46.16 (May 2001): 96-108.
  • “The Romance of Aluminum and Caffeine,” special issue on “Things/Objects,” ed. Bill Brown, Critical Inquiry 28.1 (Fall 2001): 244-69; reprints in Things, ed. Bill Brown, (Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 2004), 209–239; abridged version in pp. 95-99 in Manifesta7 Companion eds., Rana Dasgupta, Nina Montmann, and Avi Pitchon, The Rest of Now section, ed. Rana Dasgupta and Raqs Media Collective, (Milan: Silvana Editore, 2008); full reprint in Dutch translation as “Aluminium en cafeïne, een Italiaanse romance,” Morf. Tijdschrift voor vormgeving [Amsterdam], (fall 2008): 116-133.
  • “Driven,” Qui Parle 13.1 (Fall/Winter 2001): 137-56.
  • “The Mass Panorama,” Modernism/modernity 9.2 (April 2002): 1-39.
  • “Colisões,” Veredas–A Revista do Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil 6.72 (Nov. 2002): 42.
  • “Gorilla Art” [on an epistolary exchange between Karl Vossler and F. T. Marinetti], Modernism/modernity 9.4 (Nov. 2002): 667-73; published as “Arte gorila” in Portuguese translation in Matraga 15 (UERJ, Rio de Janeiro): 47-58; published in expanded Italian version in L’Uomo nero. Materiali per una storia delle arti della modernità 1.2 (June 2004): 9-14.
  • “Trionfo e invisibilità dell’asfalto,” catalogue essay, pp. 139-146 in (a) Asfalto: Il carattere della città, ed. Mirko Zardini, Triennale di Milano, (Milan: Electa Editrice, 2003).
  • “Three Pieces of Asphalt,” Grey Room 11, [spring 2003]: 1-23.
  • “Petrarch’s New Antiquity,” pp. 236-245 in Zeit und Text, ed. Andreas Kablitz, Wulf Österreicher and Rainer Warning, (Munich: Fink Verlag, 2003).
  • “Suor,” pp. 15-28 in Literatura e Cultura, ed. Heidrun Krieger Olinto and Karl Erik Schollhammer, (Rio de Janeiro: Editora PUC Rio – Edições Loyola, 2003).
  • “The Rebirth of Tragedy,” forthcoming in Medieval Theatricality, eds. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Andreas Kablitz, Jan-Dirk Mueller, Stephen J. Nichols, Eugene Vance, Rainer Warning, and Michel Zink, (Stanford: Stanford U P, 2007).
  • “Multidões,” pp. 652-75 in A Historiografia Literária e as Técnicas de Escrita (Do manuscrito AO hipertexto), ed. Tánia Dias and Flora Süssekind, Rio de Janeiro: Edições Casa de Rui Barbosa / Veira e Lent, 2004.
  • “La linea errante (sulle architetture immaginarie di Piero Portaluppi),” pp. 211-228 in Piero Portaluppi, linea errante nell’architettura del Novecento, ed. Luca Molinari and the Fondazione Piero Portaluppi (Ferruccio Lupi and Massimo Martignoni), (Milan: Skira, 2003) in support of “Piero Portaluppi –linea errante nell’architettura italiana del ‘900,” Triennale di Milano, 9/19/2003-1/4/2004.
  • “Archeology, Modernism, Modernity,” with Michael Shanks and Matthew Tiews, introduction to “Archeologies of the Modern” special issue, Modernism/modernity 11.1 (Jan. 2004): 1-16.
  • “Excavating the Corporativist City,” essay on the BBPR/Ciocca city plan for Pavia and modernist archeology, “Archeologies of the Modern” special issue, Modernism/modernity 11.1 (Jan. 2004): 89-104; published in Italian as “Scavi nell’urbanistica corporativa” in L’Uomo nero. Materiali per una storia delle arti della modernità 4 (2005).
  • “Flash Memories (Sironi on Exhibit),” pp. 22-49 in special issue on “Politics and Aesthetics of Memory” in South Central Review 21.1 (Spring 2004) with response by Marian Eide (pp. 50-53); expanded version in Claudia Lazzaro and Roger J.Crum, eds., Donatello Among the Blackshirts: History and Modernity in the Visual Culture of Fascist Italy, (Ithaca and London: Cornell U Press, 2005), 223-238, 279-281.
  • “Commenti alla tavola rotonda conclusiva,” pp. 387-9 and 401 in Futurismo – Dall’avanguardia alla memoria, ed. Vincent Giroux and Paola Pettenella, Documenti del MART 8, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto / Yale University Beinecke Rare Book Library, (Milan: Skira, 2004); published in English as Futurism – From avant-garde to memory, ed. Vincent Giroux and Paola Pettenella, Documenti del MART 8, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto / Yale University Beinecke Rare Book Library, (Milan: Skira, 2006)
  • “Rayon/Marinetti,” pp. 225-251 in Science and Literature in Italian Culture from Dante to Calvino, ed. Pierpaolo Antonello and Simon A. Gilson, European Humanities Research Center, (Oxford: Legenda, 2004).
  • “Il monumento senza stile,” pp. 13-23 in In cima– Giuseppe Terragni per Margherita Sarfatti (Architetture della memoria nel ‘900), ed. and curated by Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Centro Internazionale Andrea Palladio, Vicenza, June 26, 2004-January 6, 2005, (Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2004); revised English version published as “The Monument Without Style (On the Hundredth Anniversary of Giuseppe Terragni’s Birth),” Grey Room 18 (Winter 2005): 2-25.
  • “Una teatralità senza confine,” pp. v-liv in vol. 1, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Teatro, edited by Jeffrey T. Schnapp, (Milan: Oscar Mondadori, 2004).
  • “Cronologia delle principali attività teatrali,” pp. 801-29 in vol. 2, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Teatro, edited by Jeffrey T. Schnapp, (Milan: Oscar Mondadori, 2004).
  • “Bad Dada (Evola)” [essay on the Dada phase of Julius Evola’s career], pp. 30-55 in The Dada Seminars, eds. Leah Dickerman and Matthew S. Witkovsky, CASVA seminar papers 1, National Gallery of Art, Washington, in association with Distributed Art Publishers, Inc., 2005.
  • “Macchina sovranaturale,” photomontage plus brief essay, in collaboration with Daniele Ledda, Terragni cento per cento, ed. Silvia Bigliardi, (Milan: Le Monografie di Arkitekton, 2006).
  • Ten narrative captions for individual posters, in Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Revolutionary Tides. Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for the Visual Arts / The Wolfsonian-Florida International University 9/15/2005-6/25/2006. Milan and New York: Skira, 2005.
  • “Introduction,” with Matthew Tiews, pp. ix-xvi in Crowds, eds. Jeffrey T. Schnapp and Matthew Tiews, (Stanford: Stanford U P, 2006).
  • “Mob Porn,” pp. 1-45 in Crowds, eds. Jeffrey T. Schnapp and Matthew Tiews, (Stanford: Steffrey T. Schnapp and Matthew Tiews, (Stanford: Stanford U P, 2006).
  • “L’utopia dell’arte totale,” pp. 300-306 in L’arte del XX secolo – Protagonisti, movimenti, gruppi e temi dell’arte dal 1900 ad oggi. Le avanguardie storiche 1900-1919, ed. Valerio Terraroli et al., (Milan: Skira, 2005).
  • “Anatomie dell’operaio (appunti),” pp. 35-41 in Tempo Moderno. da Van Gogh a Warhol. Lavoro, macchine e automazione nelle Arti del Novecento, ed. Germano Celant, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, April 13 – July 30, 2006, (Milan: Skira, 2006).
  • “The Contracted Cinema,” special issue on “Il testo in movimento,” Contemporanea 4 (2006): 87-100.
  • “Folle,” SocialDesignZine 2 (July 2005-July 2006): 62-65.
  • “Mostre,” pp. 78-85 in Kunst und Propaganda im Streit der Nationen 1930-1945, eds. Hans-Jorg Czech and Nikola Doll, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, (Dresden: Sandstein Verlag, 2007).
  • “OrnaMenti,” pp. xviii-xx, in Daniel Virtuoso and Giuliano Centrodi eds., Orodautore, omaggio a Piero, Galleria Comunale di Arte Contemporanea, Arezzo, 24 March-22 July 2007, (Arezzo: Nuova Grafica Fiorentina, 2007).
  • “Arte e propaganda,” in vol. 2 of L’arte del XX secolo – Protagonisti, movimenti, gruppi e temi dell’arte dal 1900 ad oggi, ed. Valerio Terraroli et al., (Milan: Skira, 2007).
  • “O ruido das coisas e dos nomens,” forthcoming in Poéticas do inventário — Coleções, Listas, Séries e Arquivos na cultura contemporânea, eds. Tania Dias and Flora Sussekind, (Rio de Janeiro 2010).
  • “L’abitare mobile americano,” pp. 48-61 in Casa per tutti, ed. Fulio Irace et al., Triennale di Milano, (Milan: Electa, 2008).
  • “Las bombas de Bruno Munari,” pp. 143-164 in Revistas, Modernidad y Guerra,” ed. Jordana Mendelson, Textos, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, 2008; “Bruno Munari’s Bombs,” English version of essay, pp. 141-159 in Magazines, Modernity and War, ed. Jordana Mendelson, Textos, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, 2008.
  • “The People’s Glass House,” special issue on “Intellectuals, Nationalisms, and European Identity” South Central Review 25.3 (Fall 2008): 45-56.
  • “Chi è l’architetto moderno?,” pp. 303-321 in L’architetto – ruolo, volto, mito, ed. Guido Beltramini and Howard Burns, Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio, (Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2009); revised English version “The Face of the Modern Architect,” Grey Room 33 (fall 2008): 6-25.
  • Animating the Archive,” First Monday – Peer Reviewed Journal on the Internet 13.8 (August 2008). A precis of this text and summation of the discussion that followed it, both by David Green, are included on pp. 45-48 in the WebWise 2.0: The Power of Community conference proceedings, IMLS, Washington, DC, 2009; the text itself appears on pp. 70-74.
  • “Otherworlds,” pp. 8-9 in Lynn Hershman: Life to the Power of n, (San Francisco: Hotwire Productions, 2008), a catalog in support of shows at SFMOMA, New Langton Arts, UC Berkeley Art Museum, and the De Young Museum.
  • with Emanuale Scarpellini, “Introduzione,” pp. 7-12 in Italiamerica, ed. by Emanuela Scarpellini and Jeffrey T. Schnapp, vol. 1, Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondari, Milan: Il Saggiatore, 2008.
  • “Un ponte sull’oceano: Henry Furst,” pp. 13-33 in Italiamerica, ed. by Emanuela Scarpellini and Jeffrey T. Schnapp, vol. 1, Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondari, Milan: Il Saggiatore, 2008.
  • Recensione/review of Roberto Dullio, Introduzione a Bruno Zevi, Domus 920 (Dec. 2008): 122-123.
  • “The Question of Art,” lead essay in special issue on arts education, Edutopia [George Lucas Educational Foundation review] (January 2009): 1.
  • w. Michael Shanks, “Artereality,” pp. 141-158 in Art School (Propositions for the 21st-Century), ed. Steven Henry Madoff, (Cambridge: MIT Press, 200p). Alternate version available at
  • “Quick Flick,” forthcoming in Futebol!, ed. João Cezar de Castro Rocha, (Rio de Janeiro, 2008).
  • “Epilogue,” Picture This!: World War I Posters and Visual Culture, ed. by Pearl James, Studies in War, Society, and the Military, (forthcoming Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2009).
  • “Perchè una religione morale della velocità?” pp. 111-121 in F. T. Marinetti = Futurismo, ed. Luigi Sansone, Fondazione Stelline, Milan, Feb.-June 2009, (Milan: Federico Motta Editore, 2009); English version “Why Speed is a Religion Morality” forthcoming in Futurism: Rupture and Tradition, eds. Fabio Finotti and Christine Poggi, 2009; audio version available on the Slought Foundation website.
  • “Parole a forma di elica,” pp. 209-233 in Ritratto di Marinetti, eds. Gino di Maio, Daniele Lombardi, Achille Bonito Oliva, (Fondazione Mudima, Milan, 2009).
  • “FAST slow Modern,” pp.26-37 in SPEED limits. Ed. by Jeffrey T. Schnapp, (Milan: Skira, 2009).
  • “Rush City,” 127-192 in SPEED limits. Ed. by Jeffrey T. Schnapp, (Milan: Skira, 2009).
  • “A Preface to Futurism” (on the 100 year anniversary of the publication of the Foundation and Manifesto of Futurism), essay and commentary, Modernism/modernity 16.2 (Spring 2009): 203-209; published in Italian as “Una prefazione al Futurismo (per il centennario della pubblicazione del Manifesto del Futurismo) in Parol: Quaderni d’arte e di epistemologia ( 27.21 (2012): 46-53.
  • “Edge City,” Warburghiana (2009),
  • with Todd Presner et al., “On Curatorship,” Warburghiana (2009),
  • “Touch and Transport in the Middle Ages,” pp. S115-S136 in special issue in honor of John Freccero (“Fifty Years with Dante and Italian Literature”), MLN –Comparative Literature Issue, 124.52, (Dec. 2009).
  • “Il sublime numerico,” Imprevisti futuristi special issue, Il Verri 42 (Feb. 2010): 50-89.
  • “Storie di Pesci (Gehry),” pp. 123-125 in I portatori del tempo. Storia delle arti contemporanee, vol. 1: Il tempo comico, ed. Achille Bonito Oliva,  (Milan: Electa, 2010).
  • “L’ami papillotteur,” pp. 65-68 in Beppe Cavatorta and Elena Coda, eds., Balleriniana, (Ravenna: Danilo Montanari, 2010).
  • “Passaggi a (dis)livello // (Un)level Crossings,” pp. 17-29 in tunnel RE vision— Studio Terragni / Jeffrey T. Schnapp / FilmWork / Gruppe Gut, Milan 2010 (book in support of installation of the Trento Tunnels at the XII Biennale di Architettura di Venezia).
  • “The Trento Tunnels,” in Paesaggi riciclati – Dizionario di riusi e ricuperi, forthcoming book on architectural repurposings from Skira Editore, Milan, Italy (2011).
  • “(Luck),” in Kurt W. Forster: Art History on the Move — In Bewegung, Nanni Baltzer, Jacqueline Burckhardt, Marie Theres Stauffer and Philip Ursprung, Diaphanes Verlag: Zurich, 2010).
  • “The Chatter of People and Things,”special issue on literary value, eds. Joseph Luzzi and Marshal Brown, Modern Language Quarterly 72:3 (Sept. 2011): 319-340.
  • Serial Quickening” and “Spinners,” in W 86th – A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture, fall 2011.
  • Notes from the Velodrome,” in MAS – Context (fall 2011),
  • “Roberto Mango (Un designer napoletano a New York), special issue on “La Napoli degli americani dalla Liberazione alle basi Nato,” ed. by Luca Molinari and Chiara Ingrosso, Meridione — Sud e Nord nel Mondo 4 (2011): 115-126.
  • “Knowledge Design,” pp. 73-82 in Literatura e criatividade, eds. Heidrun Krieger Olinto and Karl Erik Schøllhammer, (Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2012).
  • “Musei 2.0,” pp. 16-29 in Educazione, scuole e musei – Un progetto collaborativo di innovazione didattica, ed. Pierpaolo Limone, (Rome: Carocci, 2012).
  • Interviewed by Katherine Hayles, 1-hour telephone interview on the digital humanities held in early 2009 published as a support for Katherine Hayles, How We Think, (Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 2012),, broadcast Dec. 2012.
  • A Portrait of Homo Velox,” West 86th Street – A Journal of Decorative Arts, History, and Material Culture, online edition (posted Sept. 1, 2012).
  • “Proyecciones (algunos apuntes sobre el espacio público en los años treinta),” pp. 30-39 in Encuentros con los años treinta,  Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, (Madrid: La Fábrica, 2012); also printed as “Projections (Some Notes on Public Space in the 1930s),” pp. 30-39 in Encounters with the 1930s,  Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, (Madrid: La Fábrica, 2012).
  • The Statistical Sublime;The History of Futurism. The Precursors, Protagonists, and Legacies, eds. Geert Buelens, Harald Hendrix, and Monica Jansen, (New York: Lexington Books, 2012). For a shareable pdf version click on the title.
  • The Visible Hand, pp. 84-96 in Bruno Munari – My Futurist Past, ed. Miroslava Hajek and Luca Zafferano, catalogue for show at Estorick Collection, London, (Milan: Silvana Editoriale, 2012). For a shareable pdf version click on the title.
  • “Animare l’archivio/Animating the Archive,” pp. 63-80 in Design & Cultural Heritage, vol. 2: Archivio animato / Animated Archive, (Milan: Politecnico di Milano, 2013).
  • “Crystalline Bodies (Fragments of a Cultural History of Glass),” W 86th Street – A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture 20.2 (fall-winter 2013): 173-94. Also available in digital form in the online edition of W 86th Street.
  • “Introduction,” pp. 8-9 in Carjacked, with art by Coll.eo, (San Francisco: Concrete Press, 2013), edition limited to 100 copies.
  • “Domes to Domus (or How Roberto Mango Brought the Geodesic Dome to the Home of Italian Design,” pp. 73-88 in Made In Italy – Rethinking a Century of Italian Design, eds. Kjetil Fallan and Grace Lees-Maffei, (London: Bloomsbury, 2013). An essay on the Neopolitan designer Roberto Mango and his work with R. Buckminster Fuller on the Triennale cardboard domes.
  • Ghost, freestanding 25 pp. booklet, part 1 of 9-part book, Host & Guest, ed. Steven Henry Madoff, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 2013), a six-fold database documentary art piece for the exhibition Guest and Host, curated by Steven Madoff for the Tel Aviv Museum of Art (May-July 2013).
  • “5 Thoughts on Curating (Things) (Today),” part 4, Curating the Curatorial special section, Modern Painters 6.10 (November 2014): 44-46.
  • Troy Therrien, “Knowledge Design — Doing History in Real Time: An Interview with Jeffrey Schnapp,” special issue on The Search Engine, ARPA 2 (Applied Research Processes in Architecture): Oct. 2014, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, Columbia U, NYC.
  • “Gesticulations,” pp. 320-324 in Gelecek Artik Eskīsī Gībī Degīl / The future is not what it used to be, eds. Zoe Ryan and Meredith Carruthers, the official catalog of the 2014 Istanbul Design Biennial, (Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz, 2014).
  • “Warehouses of Thoughts and Things,” “Do you read me?” special issue of Harvard Design Magazine 38 (spring-summer 2014): 24-29.
  • with Matthew Battles, “The Accumulibrary. Forget the Dewey Decimal System, Libraries Should be Lawless,” Future Tense, Slate (July 30, 2014) online edition.
  • What is practical?,” feature faculty op-ed in thurj – The Harvard Undergraduate Research Journal  6.3 (spring 2014). 
  • “On Zang Tumb Tuuum,” pp. 156-169 in Italian Futurism, 1909-1944 – Reconstructing the Universe, ed. Vivien Greene, Simon R. Guggenheim Museum, (NY: Simon Guggenheim Publications / Artbook-DAP, 2014)
  • “McLuhaste,” special issue on the 50th anniversary of the publication of Understanding MediaJournal of Visual Culture 13.1 (April 2014): 94-96. An essay on Understanding Media and the theme of civilization acceleration.

translations, commentaries and editions

  • “Gabriele D’Annunzio’s ‘The Beast Who Wills’,” (trans., introd. and commentary), Stanford Italian Review 6.1/2 (1986): 247-63; reprinted in Nietzsche in Italy, ed. Thomas Harrison, (Saratoga: Anma Libri, 1988).
  • “Selections from the Great Debate on Fascism and Culture: Critica Fascista 1926-1927,” co-edited/authored with Barbara Spackman, Stanford Italian Review 8.1/2 (1988): 235-72.
  • Gabriele D’Annunzio, “La bestia elettiva,” (annotated edition) Quaderni Dannunziani 3-4 (1989): 55-59.
  • “The Preface to the Hausmärchen of the Brothers Grimm: Translation and Commentary,” with H. U. Gumbrecht, pp. 475-92 in Medievalism and the Modernist Temper, eds. R. Howard Bloch and Stephen J. Nichols, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U P, 1996).
  • Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Velocità brasiliane, edition, commentary, and translation, South Central Review: The Journal of the South Central Modern Language Association 13.2-3 (Summer/Fall 1996): 133-41, 153-6.
  • Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, “Wrapping the World in Italrayon,” introduction, edition, commentary, and translation, Critical Inquiry 24 (Autumn 1997): 239-45.
  • Hubert Damisch, Moves. Schaken en kaarten met het Museum, translation with Isabel Guerlac, (Rotterdam: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, 1997).
  • “Editore contro o come me: la corrispondenza Malaparte-Vallecchi dal settembre 1947 al luglio 1950,” introduction, edition, and commentary, pp. 154-69 in ed. Renato Barilli and Vittoria Baroncelli, Curzio Malaparte. Il narratore, il politologo, il cittadino di Prato e dell’Europa, (Naples: CUEN, 2000).
  • Mario Sironi, Massimo Campigli, Carlo Carrà, Achille Funi, “The Manifesto of Muralism,” appendix to “Flash Memories,” pp. 238-240 in Claudia Lazzaro and Roger Crum, eds., Donatello Among the Blackshirts: History and Modernity in the Visual Culture of Fascist Italy, (Ithaca and London: Cornell U Press, 2005).
  • Bibliografia delle opere di Henry Furst, appendice a “Un ponte sull’oceano: Henry Furst–Bibliografia,” pp. 33-42 in Italiamerica, ed. by Emanuela Scarpellini and Jeffrey T. Schnapp, vol. 1, Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondari, Milan: Il Saggiatore, 2008.
  • Pierre Niox w. Jeffrey T. Schnapp, “Frenzy,” pp. 66-73 in SPEED limits. Ed. by Jeffrey T. Schnapp, (Milan: Skira, 2009).
  • Translations and edited excerpts of Gérard de Nerval, Marcel Proust, João do Rio, Gabriele d’Annunzio, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Virgilio Marchi, et alii., pp. 194-307 in the Speed Reader section of SPEED limits, ed. Jeffrey T. Schnapp, (Milan: Skira, 2009).
  • Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, “Radio Syntheses,” Modernism/modernity 16.2 (Spring 2010): 415-420.
  • Critical edition, “Roberto Mango’s unpublished Italian translation of R. Buckminster Fuller’s poem ‘Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science,'” special issue on “La Napoli degli americani dalla Liberazione alle basi Nato,” ed. by Luca Molinari and Chiara Ingrosso, Meridione — Sud e Nord nel Mondo 4 (2011): 127-139.

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