A celebration of the Piaggio Group’s 130 years of history was held on March 23rd in Milan’s Teatro Vetra with an emphasis on its present and future plans. Speakers included Roberto Colaninno, president and CEO of the IMMSI holding company, to which the Piaggio Group belongs, and Stefano Belisari (“Elio” of the Italian band Elio e le Storie Tese). The centerpiece of the celebration was the limited edition volume FuturPiaggio (though the tantalizing presence of some first-rate historical machinery–the Guzzi V8 racer and the very first Vespa–made for some serious competition). One of the highlights of the event was a film, produced for the occasion, developed by 72andSunny.
The book is now available via Rizzoli International.
Want to read the book fast? No… really fast? Here’s something for the speed readers among you (thank you Daniele Ledda).