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Tag: Zeega

Over the past decade, I’ve had the privilege of being involved in several projects that explore the limits of the World Wide Web as a support for live multi-sited performances as well as the potential for network latencies to become expressive features of such real-time performances. Instead of being understood simply as the enemy to be overcome in order to achieve a “live-like effect,” network latencies become a necessary, even desirable feature to be interpreted
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- June 8, 2013

In order to test the beta release of the new simplified Zeega editor, I thought it might be interesting to attempt a remix of Stéphane Mallarmé’s 1897 experiment Un Coup de dés. Mallarmé’s pioneering poem waited a decade and half before achieving publication. Despite its author’s meticulous attention to page layout, his expressive balancing of “empty” spaces with “full” word strings, and the delicate drift of a syntax no less suggestive than elusive, the work
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- May 28, 2013

Accessible online at and installed on ten iPads at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art as part of the Host & Guest exhibition curated by Steven Henry Madoff, GHOST is a networked art piece made up of six database documentaries or “Zeegas” that are user actuated. Each is composed of hundreds of stills and gifs hosted across the World Wide Web. The media files reside in these scattered locations. They are not copied or
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- May 2, 2013
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