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Tag: Schnapp

The Library Beyond the Book is finally out with Harvard University Press in the newly launched metaLABprojects series. Here’s the first review that has come in: While iPad-bearing soothsayers banish print books to dustbins, coauthors Schnapp and Battles, both insightful provocateurs from Harvard University, envision dynamic and fluid architectural spaces warehousing paper as well as pixels. In a spirit of refreshing experimentation, they ask: What flexible qualities from the past can accommodate tomorrow’s information consumers
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- June 18, 2014

My collaborator Adam Michaels and I have been working on a two-fold supplement to our 2012 book on the experimental paperbacks of the 60s and 70s that we will be presenting at the Project Projects table at the New York Art Book Fair (MOMA P.S. 1) on the afternoon of Saturday, September 21, 2013. It consists in two limited edition items: a poster remix of the book and its sources; and a pamphlet that reproduces
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- September 9, 2013

With my friends and collaborators Elisabetta Terragni (Studio Terragni Architetti; Como/New York) and Daniele Ledda (xy comm; Milan), I’ve been musing over how to install our Panorama of the Cold War project at the MAXXI in Rome for the upcoming exhibition MIGRANTI. The show in question will be concerned with the migratory patterns of contemporary Italian architecture and its impact on the design process and product. In our case the focus is on our transatlantic
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- August 18, 2013

Panorama of the Cold War, my collaboration with Elisabetta Terragni (Studio Terragni Architetti) and Daniele Ledda (XY Comm) will be featured in the Albanian pavilion of the 2012 Venice Biennale di Architettura. There it will be documented in a hall dedicated to the problems and opportunities posed by the military infrastructure left over from the Enver Hoxa years (1944-1985). Though approved by various national councils and ministries, the project is currently mired in practical and
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- August 27, 2012
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© 2012 Jeffrey Schnapp