In the wake of this summer’s Beautiful Data workshop, held at the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts and the Harvard Art Museums, the metaLAB core team gathered together for a weekend retreat in Woodstock, Vermont. The occasion was intended as an opportunity to reflect on our first four years of work together and to craft a revised mission statement that better reflects our sense of: a) how we fit into the larger universe of experimental practice…
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Tag: Digital_Humanities
In the May 12, 2014 online edition of the New Republic, the co-authors of Digital_Humanities and I replied to Adam Kirsch’s recent piece: “Technology is Taking over English Departments: The False Promise of the Digital Humanities” under the heading Disputations. The aim of the response was not only to correct some factual inaccuracies, but to emphasize the fundamental ways in which technology lies within, not outside, the scope of humanistic inquiry (irrespective of whether the…
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Studio-based teaching has long represented the foundation stone of training in arts, design, and engineering fields, but far less so in the core humanities disciplines: this for an array of reasons that have privileged the theoretical and mental over the applied and “hands on.” There are some good reasons for this traditional bias but there is also a good deal of artifice, particularly so given the emergence of digitally inflected project-based forms of arts and…
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My colleague Matthew Battles and I recently completed the lead book in the new metaLABprojects series that will be launched by Harvard University Press in the spring of 2014. Under the title of The Library Beyond the Book, it reflects on what libraries have been in the past from a broad cultural anthropological and architectonic standpoint in order to speculate on what they will become in the future: hybrid places that intermingle books and ebooks,…
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Judging by the buzz at various MLA convention panels this past week, Digital_Humanities seems to be striking a chord. A bunch of reviews have come in since my last posting. Among them, our favorites are Luca de Biase’s review for the Nova supplement to Sole 24 Ore, Lev Manovich’s post on his Software Studies blog and the book’s selection by Mr. Bit (Matteo Bittanti) for his Best of 2012 category in the online Italian edition…
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Digital_Humanities came out last week from MIT Press and the open edition quickly made the rounds and even yielded a couple of flash reviews. Here’s the first one, by Dene Grigar, of the Creative Media + Digital Culture Program at Washington State University, published in the online edition of Leonardo: I begin with a simple directive: Everyone in the academy should read Digital_Humanities, no matter the academic discipline or position, because the book provides a…
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