A short documentary film on the making of the SKI PAST exhibition was recently completed by Film Work, a media production studio in Trento. Inaugurated in the fall of 2012, SKI PAST: histories of Nordic sport in Fiemme and the world will remain open until June 2013 and provides an innovative approach to the presentation of sports history in a no less innovative site: the Trento tunnels known as Le Gallerie –two former superhighway tunnels at the entrance to the Dolomitic city of Trento, repurposed as an experimental history museum in 2008. Among those interviewed in the film are Daniele Ledda, Alessandro De Bertolini, Roberta Tait, Giuseppe Ferrandi and myself –I principally served as art director this time around, working closely on concept development and implementation for the show with Daniele and his Milanese studio XY Communications. The film includes a range of installation shots from the white and black tunnels, as well as interviews with exhibition visitors. If you are in Trento, check out the show; but if you can’t make it there, this will give you a foretaste.
- March 15, 2013